Fred X Nixie

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This is for @simplyharrypotter 

I was walking to potions when Fred said, "Hey Nixie, guess what?" I sighed, "Please tell me you haven't pulled that prank on Filch with out me." I replied as we walked down the corridor. 

"No I'm going with Angelina to the yule ball!" He exclaimed. My heart sank, I knew I liked Fred despite the fact he was two years older then me, so I tried and to hide the fact that I was heart broken, "Thats great Freddie, I'v got to go potions next don't want another detention from Snap." and I quickly walked away.

After potions Me, Harry and Ron went to the great hall to have lunch, "I can't believe  he gave you two double detention!" Ron exclaimed, I sighed, "That's because he dose't like us." I replied. 

Harry rested his head on my shoulder "You alright Harry?" I asked looking down at him, he nodded, "My scare keeps hurting, has yours been hurting?" He replied. 

At that point Fred and George came and sat down with us, Fred sat next to Ron who was opposite me and George sat next to me. I rubbed the left side of my forehead which is where my scare is, "Yea mine has been really sore lately." I replied. 

"So have any of you got dates to the yule ball?" Fred asked, Ron grumbled, "Where is Hermione by the way?" I asked, Ron kicked me under the table, "Ouch Ronald!" I said. 

"No we don't have dates for the ball." Harry sighed, "I have decided that I am not going" I said. Harrys head shot up from my shoulder, "What?!" He asked, shocked. 

"Yea I'm not going," I replied, shrugging my shoulders, "But the champions have to go!" Ron exclaimed, I groaned. 

"Anyway if I'm going your going." Harry said, poking my arm, "Like Ron said, champions have to go anyway." Fred said. 

Harry, Ron and I where walking to defence against the dark arts when Harry said, "Okay, by the end of the day we will all." When he said all he glared at me, "Have dates, agreed?" He asked, Ron and I said, "Agreed." 

It was almost the end of the day and I still haven't got a date, George came up to me, "Hey Nixie, heard about Fred and Angelina?" He asked, I nodded. 

George, Harry, Ron and Hermione where the only one's who new about my crush on Fred, but luckily they didn't make an big deal out of it. 

"You sad about it?" He asked, coming to sit beside me, "Not so much sad just disappointed, though I knew he didn't like me." I replied. 

"Oh you'll be surprised." He said smirking, "What does tha-" But George cut me off, "Anyway, do you have a date to the yule ball yet?" He asked. 

"No." I replied. 

"You know the three, well in this case five champions have to have dates." He said, I nodded, "Sadly" I said, sighing. 

"Well? If you and I go together as friends you'll make Fred really jealous." He suggested. I thought about it, "Yea alright then." I replied, getting up. 

"Okay cool I'll see you then." George said, getting up to leave, "Okay bye." I said and walked back to the common room.

Once I entered I saw Harry kneeling next to Ron, I walked over, "What have you done now Ron?" I asked, Harry told me what had happened, "Oh Ron, what have we told you about doing this kind of thing." I said, making everyone laugh. 

I sat down on the sofa once Ron had calmed down, "So have either of you got dates yet?" I asked, "Yea me and Ron are going with Padma and Parvati Patil." Harry replied. 

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