Memories || Remus Lupin

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It was summer and everyone was staying at Grimmauld place, everyone being the Order and the Weasley family along with Harry, Ron and Hermione. It was late night, maybe one or two in the morning; the stars were shining brightly and rays of silver moonlight seeped through the curtains as you walked through the house.

When you got to the ground floor you noticed that the door leading to the living room was ajar and warm, orange light seeped through the crack between the door and the door frame. You walked towards it and opened the door further, stepping inside. Upon entering you saw Sirius sitting on the floor surrounded by shoe boxes overflowing with polaroid photos, the contents of the pictures were moving. 

"Couldn't sleep?" You asked, walking over to Sirius and joining him on the floor. Sirius looked over at you.

"I never get much sleep when I'm in this place." He muttered, looking back down at the photo in his hands. You squeezed his shoulder, Sirius relaxed at that.

You took the photo out of his hands and stared down at it. The photo was old, it had been taken when you were at Hogwarts; You, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter were all in the photo laughing and smiling. You were sat next to Remus who had his arm around your shoulders, James sat next to you and Sirius on his other side, Peter was sat next to Sirius. You flipped over the photo as saw messy hand writing on the back which read:

October, 1976, The Marauders at The Tree Broomsticks.

Sadness washed over you as you recognised the hand writing to be James'. In the photo you all looked so happy, so young and free. The picture versions of your friends were all laughing and spilling butterbeer everywhere; Remus kissed your cheek in the photo.

"I remember that day." You smiled, giving the photo back to Sirius, who also smiled and nodded.

You picked up a second photo and stared down at it, the photo was the five of you in the boys dormitory all messing around. Sirius was hanging upside down from his bed and laughing, James was drinking some firewhiskey, Peter was sat at the foot of Remus' bed eating some chocolate, Remus was laughing and shaking his head as you morphed between your human form and your animagus form, which was a fox. Flipping over the photo you read the inscription:

June, 1975, boys dorms, just finished our O.W.Ls, firewhiskey time!

This time the inscription was written by Sirius, his handwriting hadn't changed over the years, there were also little doodles on the back of the photo; you laughed. And handed it to Sirius who laughed along with you.

"I think that was one of the worst hangovers I have eve had." You laughed, Sirius grinned.

You and Sirius looked through loads more old photo's that your group had taken over the years, from first year to your last year at Hogwarts; you'd either laugh at the photo's or a loud silence would fill the room, both of you saddened by the absents of James to share these memories with you.

"I completely forgot." You grinned, pulling out your wand as Sirius looked over at you, "I found more photo's at my parents house when I was going through it." You finished, flicking your wand. A couple of shoe boxes glided into the room and settled themselves onto the floor.

"What are you two doing up so late?" A voice asked, you and Sirius looked up to see your husband leaning against the door frame, an amused smile across his face.

"Come and look at these, Moony." Sirius grinned, gesturing him to sit with you on the floor.

Remus came and sat down next to you and looked at all the photo's that were scattered on the floor. Remus smiled, picking a couple up. The three of you put your heads together to look at the photo.

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