Just Friends? || Harry Potter

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For this imagine you'll have to be in Gryffindor, sorry if your not!


"For the last time Hermione, we're just friends!" You sighed, climbing through the portrait hole and out of the Gryffindor common room.

"That's rubbish. It's so obvious that you like each other. They way he looks at you, he always hugs you and he-" Hermione started but you cut her off.

"I've seen you two hugging loads of times!" You exclaimed, feeling your cheeks redan slightly.

"That's not true. I haven't hugged him that much and that's not my point." Hermione sighed, as we entered the great hall for lunch.

"Looks theres Harry and Ron, lets go join them." You said, trying to change topic. 

"Okay, just so you can sit next to Harry." Hermione smirked then hurried off the sit next to Ron. You rolled your eyes and calmly over to where Harry was sitting.

"Hiya (y/n)." Harry smiled at you as you sat down next to him.

"Hey Harry, how are you?" You asked, as your started to pile food onto your plate.

"I'm fine thanks. What about you?" He answered.

"Yea I'm okay." You smiled at him.

As lunch went on the four of you laughed and joked around. At one point you felt someones eyes on you so you looked over to see that Harry was staring at you. He went bright red then busied himself with cutting up his potatoes.

The four of you left the great hall since you had finished your lunch. 

"I've got to the library. And Ron needs to come with me to finish his potions essay. Don't you, Ron?" Hermione said. You saw her hand slowly pinch his arm.

"What? No I- Oh that essay! Yes I do." Ron replied, looking sheepish.

You raised an eyebrow at their behaviour, "Do you want us to come too or...?" You asked, unsure what was going on.

"NO! I mean, no it's fine don't worry." Hermione said, grabbing Rons robes and dragging him in the direction of the library.  "See you later." She called.

"Well, that was weird." Harry said, looking down the corridor as Ron and Hermione turned the corner.

"Their always weird." You laughed.

"I don't know why your complaining, your weird too." Harry chuckled, you playfully glared at him and lightly slapped his arm.

"Shut up." You laughed while rolling your eyes.

"Come on. Lets go outside." Harry smiled, grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the entrance hall. 

You walked around the black lake, still hand in hand, which made you very happy as Harry gently rubbed his thumb along your knuckles.

After a while Harry spoke up, "(y/n)? What are we?" 

"We're friends aren't we?" You asked, stopping. All though you didn't want to be just friends.

"Yea, I guess." Harry replied, sounding sad and letting go of your hand.

"Why do you sound so sad? Is it that bad being my friend?" You asked, trying not to show just how sad you where really.

"No no, I just..." Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I just want to be more then friend you know. I know I shouldn't feel like that cause we're just friends but I can't help liking you. I'm sorry if I've just ruined everything." He added, slowly stating to walk away.

For a split second you stood stunned for a second but then regained your senses and ran after him.

"Harry wait!" You called catching up to him. He turned to look at you, you could see how sad he was. His eyes looked slightly watery.

"I like you too Harry. I just didn't say anything because I didn't want to ruin our friendship in case you didn't like me back." You said, blushing slightly.

"Do you really like me?" Harry asked, grinning widely and beaming at you.

Nodding you answered, "Of corse I do."

And as soon as you said that Harry had lifted you off your feet and wrapped his arms around you, spinning around causing you to laugh.

"That's the best thing I've ever heard!" Harry exclaimed, putting you down and grinning at you, "So does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" He asked hopefully.

"Of corse I will." You smiled, as Harry pulled you into a hug.

"It's about time." Said a voice coming from behind you. 

Pulling away from the hug and turning around you saw Ron and Hermione standing there, hug smirks on their faces.

"Yeah, we've been trying to get you two oblivious idiots together for ages!" Ron chuckled causing you to playfully glare at him.

"Well I'm glad that we're together." Harry said, wrapping his arm around your waist, smiling down at you.

"I am too." You smiled back up at him.


Hello fellow Potterheads!

This was requested by HanaYahia and I hope you like it!

Comment what house your in!!! (I'm a Gryffindor!)


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