Draco X Syrena Castro

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I walked out of my dorm to meet Draco in the common  room, "So, we'll get on the train to Kings Cross station, then we will take a taxi to my house and once we get there you will meet my mum and dad" I said, as I approached him. Draco smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Well we better not keep them waiting, lets go" He replied, and with that he took my hand in his, and we walked to the Hogwarst Express.

Draco and I walked down the Hogwarts Express looking for our friends, as we neared the back of the train we found them, Pansy, Millicent, Blaise, Crabb and Goyle. They all know that I'm muggle born, at first they didn't accept me but then Draco and I became great friends, which made me friends with his. I'm the ONLY muggle born that they don't call mudblood.

As we entered the compartment Pansy turned and smiled at me, motioning for me to sit next to her. I sat down with Draco sitting opposite me, "So, Draco are you going to meet Syrena's parents today?" Pansy asked.

"Yea, I will be venturing into the weird and mysterious world that is Lambeth!" Draco exclaimed, dramatically. We all laughed, "Wheres Lambeth?" Blaise asked.

"Its a part of London, near the River Thames" I answered. (I'm using Lambeth because my old school was based there and I like that part of London) 

"Oh, right" Blaise said, still looking mildly confused.

For the rest of the train journey we talked and laughed about all of Blaise's attempts to play quidditch.     

❈Time skip brought to you by Dobbys sock❈

We arrived at Kings Cross Station, Draco and I got off the train, we said goodbye to the others before we ran through the barrier into the muggle train station.

Once we put our trunks on a trolly we walk outside of Kings Cross to find a taxi. I told Draco to watch the trollies for a second. As I walk towards the taxi Draco calls, "Syrena what are you doing?"

"Hand on a sec" I replied.

Once I reached a taxi I nocked on the window, "Hey are you driving someone or are you free?" I asked. The cabbie rolled down the window, "No, I'm free, I can drive you anywhere" He replied, I nodded.

"Thanks, let me just grab my stuff" I answered, walking back to Draco. As soon as I got back to Draco he bombarded me with questions, "Who was that? Do you know him? Why were you talking to him? And whats a taxi?"  I chuckled.

"A taxi driver, or cabbie,  is someone who drives other muggles around the city for money. Now lets go" I replied, wheeling my trolly over to the taxi. 

Once put our bags in the boot, we got into the back of the taxi and I told the taxi driver where to take us.

As we drove through the streets of London Draco would point out things ask what they were, "Whats that?" He ask.

"Thats the River Thames" I answered.

"What about that?"

"Thats tower of London" I said, resting my head on his shoulder as he snaked his arm around my waist.

"Whats that?" 

"Thats where the Queen of England lives, Buckingham Palace"

"What are though's?"       

I sighed and muttered, "Though's are public toilets"

"And what about-"

"Kennington tube station. Do you ever pay attention in muggle studies?" I asked.


I groaned. 

Fore the rest of the car journey Draco asked about everything, it was as if he had never seen the world before. 

About twenty minutes later we arrived at my parents house, it was a small house, at then end of a street with a dark blue door, it only had three bedrooms, but it was home.

I thank and payed the cabbie before I nocked on the door, my mum opened the door, "Hello Syrena! Welcome home! We missed you so much! And you must be Draco, its very nice to meet you" She cried, hugging us both.

"Come in, its getting a bit chilly out there" She continued, we walked in. 

"Welcome to my home" I said to Draco, who was staring around the room in wonder, looking at all the pictures and books that my parents kept.

"Why aren't the pictures moving?" He asked, staring at a photo of my family on holiday, I chuckled.

"Remember your in the muggle world, pictures don't move" I replied, walking into the sitting room, to find my dad sitting on the sofa reading a book.

"Hey dad!" I cried, he looked up and smiled.

"Hey! Hows my kiddo? You good?" He asked, standing up and hugging me. He then turned to Draco, "And you must be Draco, Syrena has told us all about you! Its nice to finally meet you" He said, holding out a hand to shake his, Draco took it.

"Hello Mr Castro, its nice to meet you as well" Draco replied.

"Why don't you two take your stuff upstairs wile I go help mum with supper" Dad said, putting away his book.

"Okay, see you later" I replied, taking Draco upstairs to my room.

When we entered Draco looked around, "Wow, this is your room? Its so cool! Look at all the muggle books you have!" He said, walking over to my bookshelf and examining them, I chuckled.

"Yea, I'm a bit of a bookworm" I replied.

"I guessed that" Draco said, smirking as he walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I put mine around his neck, he lent down and kissed me. I kissed back, our lips moving in sync.

He pulled away, "I think I'm going to like it here" He said, looking around my room once again. I laughed.

"I think so to" I answered.

"Kids! Suppers ready!" My mum called from down stairs.

"Coming!" I called after her. I kissed Draco one last time, taking his had we walked down stairs.


Sorry that this is late! It was requested by @xDenStylesx I hope you liked it!! 

I will post more!! Don't worry!!!! Thank you all for the reads!!! AHHH!! THANK YOU!! Love all yo crazy potterheads! ♥︎


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