Truth or Dare || Fred Weasley

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You sat in library re-writting an essay for Snape because it 'was't good enough' or something stupid like that. It was late and the only sound that could be heard was your quill scratching along the parchment. 

Another five minutes dragged passed and you had finely finished the essay, you through down your quill and stretched, feeling good that you had finished. You packed up your things and  walked out of the library and into the dimly lit corridor.

You entered the Gryffindor common room and flopped down next to your boyfriend Fred who was sitting on the sofa, "You alright love?" He asked, you nodded, "Yea, just a bit tired" You yawned. 

Fred chuckled, "Well its your fault for spending three hours in the library." He replied, you looked at him, "Well I didn't fancy getting another two weeks detention from Snape, I only just got free from the last ones" You answered. 

"Well lets play a game." Fred said, you hummed a response. Fred got up and walked away, you closed my eyes and relaxed.

Someone nudged you out of your nap, "What?" You asked, confused, you looked around the room to see all the arm chairs and most of the floor covered in people. Fred sat next to you, George to his left and Katie Bell, your best friend, sat on your right. 

The others in the room are Harry, Ron, Hermione, Seamus, Dean, Ginny, Neville, Angelina and Oliver Wood. "Right lets play truth or dare!" George exclaimed, excitedly, "You sound like a five year old on christmas." You chuckled, looking at him everyone laughed, "Oh ha ha, so funny." He replied, folding his arms and pretending to be sad.

"Okay, I'll go first!" Seamus exclaimed, "Harry, truth or dare?" He asked, Harry thought for a moment, "I think dare." He replied finely. 

"Okay, I dare you to go and hug Malfoy!" Seamus said laughing. We all burst out laughing as Harrys cheeks turned a bright pink. "Fine." He huffed. 

"But (y/n), Seamus and Ron are coming with me." He added as he got up, "I'm up for that!" You answered.

Harry, Seamus and you all walked out of the common room, "One problem." Harry said, you looked over at him, "Whats that?" Seamus asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"How do we fined him?" Harry asked. 

"We use this." You replied, pulling out the Marauders Map, tapping it with your wand you said, "I solemnly swear that I am up to know good." 

The Map came onto the page. "What's that?" Harry asked, "It shows everyone in the school and where they are. All the time." You replied, studying the Map.

"Wow!" Seamus exclaimed in awe. "Where did you get it?" Harry asked, still looking at the map, "Fred, George and I use it to get out of Hogwarts and pull pranks, though we know all the secret passage ways off by heart now." You replied, your eyes fixed on the Map.

"There, he's on on the third floor with Crabb and Goyle." You said, pointing at the names, "Wow this Map is awesome!" Harry exclaimed, grinning. 

"Yea, but you two better not tell anyone or Fred and George will kill me." You said, tapping the Map and muttering, "Mischief managed." You stuffed the Map in my pocket, "Come lets go before they leave."

You arrived at the corridor and Harry walked over to Malfoy, "What do you want Potter?" He asked, smirking, Harry didn't say anything he just continued to walked over, "Potter what are-" before he finished Harry wrapped his arms around Draco engulfing him in a hug. 

Malfoy looked horrified and it was priceless! After a couple of seconds of hugging and Draco trying to get out of Harrys grip, the three of you bolted back to the common room.

You burst in, Seamus and you laughing and Harrys face once again a bright pink, "It was so funny!" Seamus exclaimed, in between laughter, "His face was priceless." You added, laughing madly.

The game went on for another hour, "Okay, Dean is the last person to ask." Fred said, putting an arm around your waist. 

"Fred truth or dare?" Dean asked, Fred smirked, "Dare." He replied, Dean thought the said, "I dare you to see how long you can go with out kissing (y/n)." Fred laughed, "To easy."

You scoffed, "Please you couldn't last two days." Fred raised an eyebrow, "Okay challenge excepted." He said.

"Okay everyone off to bed its almost 1:30." George said, everyone got up and went to bed leaving you and Fred alone in the common room, "I will last longer than two days." he said, you turned to face him. 

"Sure." You said, sarcastically, you leaned in so close that your lips where nearly touching, "Goodnight Fred." You whispered and kissed the corner of his mouth, then you sprinted up to your dorm.

~~time skip brought to you by Weasley's Wizard Wheezes~~  

It was lunch time and you were walking along the corridor with Katie Bell, "So its been half a day, has Fred kissed you yet?" She asked, you laughed, "He tired to a couple of times, but I ran off before he could." You replied. 

"Why did you do that? If you let him he would have lost the dare!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air, "Yea but its fun to mess with him."  You chuckled, "Your so mean." Katie laughed.

You talked and walked until Fred came round the corner, "I'll leave you to it." Katie whispered, but before you could stop her she ran off. 

You sighed, "Hello love, how are you?" You asked, smirking, Fred didn't answer he just cupped your face and kissed you, he pressed his lips onto yours. 

You smiled as he pushed you up against the wall, "Couldn't even last a day." You mumbled against his lips. In between kisses he said, "I just, couldn't, resist." Smiling you kissed him, pressing your lips against his.


Hello Potterheads!

Sorry its a bit late, I will try and post a new one once a week but some might be late. I hope you enjoyed this. Leave a comment to tell me what you think or if you have a request.


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