Shy Guy || Teddy Lupin

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You are standing on platform nine and three quarters with your parents, ready to start your second year, "Okay (y/n) have a good term, see you for christmas." My mum said as she handed me my bag, "Thanks mum." I replied, smiling widely. 

You looked around the platform as your dad waffled on about 'staying safe' and all that boring stuff, your eyes met a pair of chocolate brown ones that where staring right back at you. It wasn't a creepy stair, he was cute in a geeky kind of way. He was tall, slim, messy blue hair and was carrying a couple of books. You had never seen him before, though he was far to old to be in first year. If anything he was about the same age as you.

"(y/n) are you listening to me?" Your dad asked, impatiently, you turned your attention away from the cute boy, "Dad, you don't need to give me the same boring talk every year, I am old enough to take care of my self. And besides I'll be fine at Hogwarts." You reassure him. 

He sighed, "Yes I know I just get worried." You chuckled, "Theres nothing to worry about dear, (y/n) has got her friends to make sure she doesn't get to many detentions again this year." Your mother said, raising an eyebrow at you. 

You dad looked surprised, "What de-" He started but you cut him off, "Would you look at that, Theres Albus and Scorpius, got to go bye mum, bye dad, see you at christmas!" You called and quickly walked towards your two best friends.

"(Y/N)!!" Scorpius cried, giving you a bear hug, "Hello, why are you so friendly?" You asked, looking at Albus who was laughing madly. 

"I'm just in a good mood!" He replied, pulling back and grinning at you. "Oh did you hear? Apparently theres a new kid joining our year." Albus said, excitedly, as you walked along the platform with your trunks. 

"I think I just saw him a few minutes ago." You replied. 

You walked for a few more paces then stopped at the middle of the train, "Lets get on here and then go find a compartment," Scorpius said as the train whistle blew.

As you put your trunks away the train started to move, Albus, Scorpius and you all stuck your heads out of the window and waved a last goodbye to your families. 

You then walked down the train to find a empty compartment. All but one compartment was full, this one had the cute boy from before in it. Albus nocked on the door then stuck his head in, "Hey, mind if we join you?" He asked, the boy nodded and you all stepped inside.

Albus sat next to him, you sat opposite the boy and Scorpius sat next to you, "Hi Im Albus Potter, these are my best friends Scorpius Malfoy." He pointed at Scorpius, then at you, "And (y/n) (y/l/n)." He finished, you waved. 

"Hello, what's your name?" You asked. The boy was fidgeting with his hands, "My names Teddy Lupin." He muttered, you chuckled, "Theres no need to be shy, were really nice and will be your friends, if you want us to?" You said, Teddy grinned. 

"I would love to be friends with you!" He exclaimed. Scorpius jumped up and hugged him, you all laughed, "Watch out for him he's a hugger," Albus said, laughing.

Once Scorpius had let go of Teddy Albus asked, "So why are you only joining this year?" 

"Oh, I was homeschooled for my first yearsand now I'm coming to Hogwarts!" He replied, grinning widely. 

"And what house do you want to be in?" Scorpius asked, "What house are you guys in?" Teddy asked, looking at you, then blushing, "We're all in Gryffindor!" You replied, smiling. 

(SPOILER ALERT: I know in the cursed child that there not in Gryffindor, but just go with it for this Imagine) 

"Then I want to be in Gryffindor too." Teddy said,  grinning at me.


Hellow fellow Potterheads,

Sorry that this imagine is rubbish! But I hope you guys liked it!


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