Deal? || Harry Potter

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For this imagine please can we pretend that your in Slytherin. Thanks!

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Get up now!!" Someone shouted.

You sat bolt upright, looking around for any signs of distress, then your friend came into view and announce washed over you, "What could you possibly want this early in the morning?" You asked, (y/f/n) rolled her eyes.

"Our lessons start in ten minutes." She answered, you looked at her as if she had gone nuts. "What?! Why didn't you wake me up?!" You almost yelled, ripping off your covers to get out of bed.

Instead of gracefully getting out of bed, like you imagined, you fell off the bed, landing flat on the floor with a thud.

"Ugh." You groaned, (y/f/n) laughed, making you glare at her, "Oh shut up." You muttered, getting up to change into your school uniform. 

You and (y/f/n) walked out of the Slytherin common room and out into the entrance hall towards your first lesson, transfiguration. 

Swiftly walking into the class room and sitting down just as professor Mcgonagall started the lesson. 

It was about half way through the lesson when professor Mcgonagall told you to work in pairs, so naturally you paired up with (y/f/n). But unfortunately, because you were late you were sitting behind Malfoy. (I am really sorry if your a fan of Draco😁 ) 

You and (y/f/n) had just started when Malfoy started bragging and being really rude to Potter, "Yea, at least we can afford to get good brooms, and proper robes." He drawled, glancing over at Weasley. 

"And I'm pureblood, so I don't have a filthy mudblood mother, who is now 'sadly' dead." He continued, but before he could say any more you interrupted. 

"Okay Malfoy, we get that your pureblood and rich, we also know you have daddy issues. And guess what, know one cares." You sarcastically replied, glancing over at Potter who gave you a small smile, in which you returned.

"Yes, thank you Miss (y/l/n), that will do." Professor Mcgonagall said, before Malfoy could retaliate. 

Unlike some Slytherins, you didn't mind the other houses, you were relatively good friends with Harry, Ron and Hermione along with some others in there year. You where also friendly towards the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. 

Once the lesson had ended you and (y/f/n) gathered up your books and walked out of the class room and down the corridor towards your next lesson. 

"Oi (y/l/n)! Wait up!" Someone shouted at you, running down the corridor after you. You sighed, "Whats up Potter?" You asked, Harry caught up to you and walked along side you.

"I was just wondering if you would like to go out with me?" He asked, you stopped dead in your tracks. Turning to him raising an eyebrow you asked, "You wanna go out with me?" 

Harry nodded, you were slightly shocked because you thought that he like Ginny or Cho, "Only if Gryffindor beat Slytherin in the quidditch match on Saturday." You replied, Harry smirked.

"Deal, get ready to lose." He said, holding out a hand for you to shake. You took it, smiling you said, "See you on the pitch Potter." And with that you walked off to your next lesson.

✬Time skip brought to you by Harry's knobbly knees✬

Early on Saturday morning you woke up and changed into trousers and your quidditch jumper, then went to breakfast with (y/f/n). 

Sitting down at the Slytherin table (y/f/n) asked, "Are you nervous for todays game?" You laughed and shook your head.


"Why not?"

You sighed, "Because its a win-win situation for me, if we win then thats great, but if we lose I get to go out with Harry. Weren't you listening the other day when we made the deal?" (y/f/n) Shook her head.

"No, I was to busy looking at Blaise." She sighed and looked over in his direction. You burst into laughter and joked around until it was time to head over to the stadium. 

You sat with the rest of your team, you where one of the chasers. unfortunately Malfoy was your seeker, but you have a good keeper so you feeling hopeful.

You, along with the rest of the Slytherin team, walked onto the pitch. You could hear the crowd cheering, talking, holding banners and laughing, the atmosphere was amazing. 

Both teams mounted there brooms, ready for the game. Harry caught your eye, "I'll go easy on you, Potter." You called to him, he laughed, "Don't bother." He replied, "We'll beat you easy." You laughed.

"(y/l/n)!" Someone said, "Don't let us lose the game just to impress Potter." Malfoy hissed, you rolled your eyes at him, "Alright Malfoy, keep your hair on." And with that the game began.

"The game begins and (y/n) (y/l/n) from Slytherin has the quaffle, she zooms up the pitch, she shoots, SHE SCORES! TEN POINTS TO SLYTHERIN!" Lee Jordan's shouts over the roaring crowds.

About five minutes into the game you had just gotten the quaffle, but then a bludger came pelting at you. You dodged it with ease, once you had scored you looked up at Fred and George.

"George, I take great offence that you would even consider hitting a bludger at me!" You shouted up to him, he laughed, "Sorry (y/n), we're helping Harry win you over." He replied, winking.

"Good luck with that." You said, diving for the quaffle. 

※Small Time skip※

"GRYFFINDOR WIN!" Lee yelled over the crowed. Gryffindor had won by ten points, Slytherin was in the lead but just as you had scored Harry had caught the snitch. So the end score was Gryffindor 370 and Slytherin 360.

You flew down to the ground, the rest of your team was not looking too pleased, especially Malfoy, who muttered, "My farther will here about this."(I'm sorry I had to!😂 )

Someone tapped you on the shoulder, you turned round to see Harry, grinning like a mad man, "I think you owe me a date." He said, smirking, you laughed.

"I do indeed."


This is the Quidditch jumper▲

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This is the Quidditch jumper▲

Hello fellow Potterheads

I'm so sorry!! I'm such a crap author! I am soooooooooooooooo sorry!! I will be updating more and more.

The last few weeks I have been SOOOO busy, homework, writers block, home stuff and more homework. I know these aren't really reasons but I'm still REALLY sorry!!

I hope you can for give me! 😭😭


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