I Can't || Remus Lupin

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For this imagine you will have to be in Gryffindor, sorry if your not! 

"Hey (y/n)!" James smiled at you as you quickly sat down at the Gryffindor table and started to quickly pile food onto your plate.

"In a rush?" Sirius smirked as you wolfed down the food on your plate. You sent him a playful glare causing the other boys to laugh.

"What's up, love?" Remus asked, placing his hand over you own. Upon swallowing you replied.

"I'm really behind on work, I've got to catch up." You quickly stammered, then proceed to guzzle down more food. 

"We're all behind on work." Sirius sighed, stretching. As he said this Remus cleared his throat, Sirius let out another exasperated sigh, "All except Moony." James and Peter chuckled as Remus sent you a wink causing you to laugh.

"Yeah well, I really need to get my potions mark up. I suck at potions." You groaned, finishing off your food. 

"Just relax, we'll help you." Peter smiled, but before I could answer Sirius spoke up.

"Wormtail, you also suck at potions, she would have better luck asking a flobberworm for potions help." James grinned, Peter just rolled his eyes and continued to eat.

"I've got to go, but I'll see you guys in Transfiguration later." You said, kissing Remus's cheek and running out of the Great Hall and up to library.


"What on earth do you need all those books for?" A voice asked from behind you. You jumped causing some of the books in your hands to fall. Turning around you spotted Alice Prewett. 

"Don't scare me like that Alice!" You exclaimed, adjusting the books in your arms so that more won't fall.

"Sorry. Would you like some help?" She grinned, offering to take some of the books in my arms.

"Yeah that would be great, thanks. Do you mind getting the books I dropped and bringing them to my table?" You asked, sending her a smile as she nodded.

"Why do you have so many books anyway?" She asked, picking up your fallen books and following you to your table where more books where piled high.

"Well, I've really got to study for potions." You sighed, running a hand through your hair, sitting down and pulling one of the huge, musty books towards you. 

"You know sometimes I'm surprised that your not in Ravenclaw." She laughed and walked away. Rubbing your forehead you started to take more notes on various elixir's and potions. 

Your tired eyes looked down at your watch and realised that you were ten minutes late for your Transfiguration lesson. Your eyes started darting around the table at the scattered note books, parchment and quills. You grabbed your bag and stuffed your belongings into it then sprinted out of the library.

You burst through the doors of the classroom.

Professor McGonagall stood at the head of the classroom as all the students turned to look at you.

"I'm sorry I'm late professor, I didn't realise what the time was." You huffed, some of the other students snickered at your arrival. 

"Just make sure it doesn't happen again. Sit down." She said sternly, then turned back to the blackboard and continued to talk.

You walked over to your usual seat next to Remus, behind James and Sirius and across the isle from Peter. "Are you okay?" Remus asked as you sat down. Concern filling his eyes.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just wasn't paying enough attention." You smiled, pulling out your books. Remus took your hand in his and intertwined your fingers, rubbing his thumb over the backs of your knuckles.


It was the end of the day but you still had loads of work to do. After a quick supper with the boys you rushed back up to the library once again. 

It was not twelve thirty-eight and you where still awake down in the Gryffindor common room, pouring over your Charms work. You where so engrossed in your work that you didn't notice a very tired Remus walk into the common room. 

Remus saw you sitting on one of the sofas facing the fire, head in hands and looking down at your work. He came and sat down next to you, resting his head on your shoulder. You jumped a little in surprise but upon noticing that it was just Remus you relaxed.

"Come to bed." He whispered, his voice raspy, hair messy and beautiful green eyes shut. You sighed, running a hand through your hair.

"I can't, to much work." You muttered. Remus groaned, wrapped his arms around your waist and nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck.

"Please, I can't sleep and I want cuddles." He mumbled against your neck. You laughed slightly, a tired Remus was a clingy Remus. 

You kissed his forehead and ran your fingers through his soft hair, "Let me just finish this essay then we can go to bed." You replied. Remus nodded and snuggled closer to you.

As you lent forward to do some more work Remus had ended up sitting behind you, legs slightly wrapped around your waist, his arms also wrapped around your waist and his head still nuzzled into your neck.

After another half an hour you had finished you looked to your shoulder to see Remus sleeping. You gently brushed the hair out of his eyes, Remus hummed.

"Are you finished, love?" He asked, voice still raspy and his eyes opening slightly. 

Nodding you replied, "Yes, now. Let's get to bed." You smiled down at him. Getting up and grabbing his hands. You pulled him to his feet where he intertwined your fingers, he led you up stairs.

Remus pulled you into bed, wrapping his arms around your waist, "Goodnight." He smiled, pressing a soft kiss on your lips. You smiled back.

"Goodnight, Moony." 


Hello Fellow Potterheads!

Sorry it's been so long!! I'll update again soon!!


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