Let Me Teach You || Oliver Wood

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You and Oliver have been dating for roughly a month and he really loves quidditch. You on the other hand is not the biggest fan of quidditch mainly because you can't play it.

It was a Saturday afternoon and you were sitting in the Gryffindor common room doing your homework when Oliver walked in laughing at a joke one of his friends had told him. Once he spotted you he came over and sat down, "Hello darling." He said, kissing your cheek.

"Hey Ollie." You replied. Oliver scowled, "Don't call me that." You laughed, at his hatred for the name, "Your so cute when your angry, and besides you love it really." You said, kissing his cheek. 

He chuckled, "What are you doing?" He asked, putting an arm around you. "I'm just doing Snapes homework and its driving me nuts!" You sighed, throwing your quill down.

"Well why don't you come and do something more fun with me?" Oliver asked, smirking, you lent back, "And what do you have in mind?" You asked, raising and eyebrow. 

Oliver smiled, "Let me teach you how to play quidditch!" You sighed, "Oliver, you know I can't play quidditch to save my life!" You exclaimed. 

"Please (y/n/n)" He whined, kissing your neck, "I'll teach you, you'll be fine." He moaned into your neck leaving a trail of kisses along your neck and jaw line, muttering a "Please" in-between every kiss. 

"Fine!" You groaned, Oliver jumped up and kissed your lips, "But only for a bit." You chuckled as he pulled me out of the common room.

As you walked down to the broom cupboard Oliver intertwined your hands, "(y/n) why don't you like quidditch? I know that your a thrill seeker and love adventure but still, why don't you like it?" He asked, you chuckled. 

"No it's not that I don't like quidditch, I'm just..." You paused, sighed, then continued, "I don't know, I just don't like playing it. I love watching it though." Oliver smirked at you, "Are you scared of heights?" He asked, stopping out side the broom cupboard and raising an eyebrow. 

"No. I just don't have good coordination." You replied, Oliver chuckled, wrapped his arms around your waist and pulling you into his chest, "Don't worry you'll be fine." He said, kissing your forehead.

Once you got your brooms you headed out onto the pitch, "Okay (y/n) mount your broom and kick off from the ground." Oliver instructed. 

You did as you were told and before you knew it you were about twenty feet from the ground. You looked down at Oliver who was staring up at you, "You okay?" He called up, you nodded.

As he mounted his broom you thought you would try and move around. You zoomed to the left and circled the goals with ease. 

Oliver came up along side you, "Are you sure that you haven't flown before?" He asked as you flew around the pitch, "Except for the lessons on our first year, no I haven't." You replied.

For about an hour you flew around the pitch playing with the quaffle and chasing each other. It started to get dark, "Hey (y/n/n) lets head back inside." He called from across the pitch, "Okay, but one more race." You pleaded. 

He came over to where you were, "Okay then, one lap around the pitch, we finish in the centre circle." He explained, pointing to a small circle on the ground. 

"Fine your on!" You exclaimed, smirking, "3 2 1 Go!" You yelled, really fast as you zoomed around the pitch. "Hey thats not fair!" Oliver called from behind you, he was gaining on you.

You put on an extra spirt of speed as you rounded the last corner and sped towards the ground. You hit the ground running, as soon as you stopped Oliver crashed into you.

You rolled on the floor, the end result being that he was lying on top of you, your legs tangled together. You where laughing like mad, "Not to bad (y/l/n)." He said, smirking, you chuckled, "Ditto Wood," You mimicked. 

Once you had stopped laughing Oliver's eyes locked with yours, he brushed some hair out of your face, "I love you (y/n), so so much." He whispered. 

"I love you to Oliver, so so much." You replied. He smiled and kissed you. The kiss was slow, passionate and full of love. The best kind of kiss.


Hello Potterheads!

Again I am so sorry that its late, I have been stupidly busy. But now its half term! 

SO that means I can wright more Imagines! Yay :) 

I really hope you enjoyed that, If you have any requests or what to suggest a scenario the please leave a comment.


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