Sneaking Out Of Hogwarts || Harry Potter

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For this imagine you will have to be in Gryffindor.

You were in your third year at Hogwarts and it was the weekend, so normally you would be aloud to go to Hogsmeade, but sadly your parents hadn't signed the permission slip.

"I'm sorry Miss (y/l/n) but I can't let you go if your parents or guardian hasn't signed." Professor Mcgonagall sighed, looking at you sadly, "I'm sorry." She added softly. Then turned and walked down the corridor.

You groaned in frustration and ran a hand through your hair, you walked back down the corridor and towards the Gryffindor tower.

You were almost halfway there when someone spoke, "Awe has mummy and daddy not let you go to Hogsmeade?"

Turning you came face to face with non other than Draco Malfoy rolling your eyes you sighed, "Look Malfoy, I'm really not in the mood to get a detention because I beat your sorry arse in a duel so could you please do us both a favour and go back to bullying first years."

You then turned to go but as you took another step you felt your legs spring together causing you to fall to the floor. You groaned, pulled out your wand and performed the counter curse.

Getting back up you saw Malfoy standing there, a smirk on his face and his wand in his hand, before you could react you flicked your wand making his hair turn bright pink and huge warts covering his face.

"Have fun with that." You laughed and ran off before he had realised what you had done.

"Fortuna Major." You said to the portrait of the fat lady, she smiled and swung forward so you could clamber through the portrait hole.

Upon entering the common room you saw one of your best friends. Harry was sitting on one of the sofas looking sadly into the fire.

"Hey Harry." You said, sitting down next to him. He looked over at you and smiled, "Hey (y/n), why aren't you at Hogsmeade?" He asked, confusion flashing across his face.

"Well my parents haven't signed the permission slip so I can't go." You answered, looking over at the fire.

"Same, my aunt and uncle wont let me go either." He said.

"This sucks!" You exclaimed, throwing you head back so that your head was on the back rest of the sofa.

Harry stood up abruptly and started to run up the stairs to the boys dorms, "Why are you going?" You called after him.

"I've got an idea!" He yelled back, you rolled your eyes.

A moment later Harry came running back down the stairs holding a clock and a jumper. He threw the jumper to you.

"I'm not going to carry your hoodie around Harry." You said, Harry laughed.

"No, it's for you to wear." He explained, you looked at him in confusion.

"Why?" You asked, picking up the jumper and placing it on your lap.

"Because it's cold outside." He replied, you stood up to face him.

"Where are we going?" You asked, pulling Harrys jumper over your head, it was a little to big for you but it was still nice and snug.

"You look cute in my jumper, you should keep it." Harry smiled, causing you to blush and smile.

"We're going to Hogsmeade." He answered, you raised an eyebrow.

"I've got the invisibility cloak and the Marauders map." He explained, pulling you closer and throwing the cloak over the both of you.

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