Don't listen to them || Blaise Zabini

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Requested: Yes

Genre: Sad but a happy end

Warnings: This might trigger some readers, it's not a huge trigger, but I just wanted to warn you! 

Notes:  I'm trying out a new style of writing so tell me what you think.


(y/n) was walking down the corridor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, as she walking towards her Charms class, her Slytherin robes billowing behind her as she hurriedly walked towards her classroom. As she walked she noticed that many of the students were whispered to each other; at first she took no notice of them but when they pointed at her she began to listen in.

She could hear snatches of what the students were saying about her. Sadly they weren't about her catching of the snitch in Slytherin's last quidditch game, they were saying horrible things. Calling her names, telling lies about her and just saying horrible things in general.

She was so caught up in what everyone was saying that she didn't notice that she had bumped into someone, looking up she noticed that it was Cedric, her best friend.

"Hey, (y/n). Are you okay?" Cedric asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah. I'll see you later." She said, not really focusing on the tall Hufflepuff in front of her.

She walked off before Cedric could utter another word. Instead of heading to Charms she walked towards her common room, she didn't feel like going to a lesson right now, she needed to space. Upon entering the common room she sat down in a chair by a window that looked out into the Black Lake. 

There she sat for what felt like hours, the voices of the students running though her mind like wild fire. No matter how hard she tried to get them to shut up, they just kept on coming back, louder and more aggressive than before.

She didn't realise that it was lunch time, the Slytherin students came and left the common room, but she took no notice of them, her mind was still full of the students voices. Slowly, she began to see why the students were saying those horrible things. 

It's because they were ture, she thought. That was the only possible explanation. Hatred began to fill her, not towards the students but towards herself. How could she not believe them. More and more thoughts like these filled her head. If people she didn't know thought these things, what did the people she knew think about her?

She was snapped out of her thoughts as someone sat in the seat opposite her and started to speak. It was Blaise, her boyfriend.

"Hey, (y/n). Are you okay? You seem a little off." Blaise said, his eyebrows raised. (y/n) didn't full notice what he was saying, her mind was else where.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I've got work to do, I'll see you later." She lied, then she stood up and walked off.

Blaise stared after her, this was very unusual behaviour for his girlfriend, usually she didn't really bother with her homework. She loved spending time with him. Blaise sighed, maybe she just needed a little space. Blaise decided that he would talk to her later.


Days when by and none of (y/n)'s friends had seen or heard from her, both Blaise and Cedric were really worried about her, they hadn't seen her in classes or at meal times. Blaise had tried to go up to her dorm but the stair case kept on changing into a slide.

Finally Blaise saw her in a corridor, she looked awful. Her eyes had dark cycles around them, her hair was a mess and she looked exhausted. Blaise walked up to her.

"(y/n), where have you been? I've been so worried about you. Are you-" He started but (y/n) cut him off.

"Piss off, Blaise." She snapped, glaring at him and striding off. Blaise felt something inside of him break.

"So, you talked to her too?" A voice spoke out, Blaise turned to see Cedric, (y/n)'s best friend. Blaise sighed.

"I tired, she's really worrying me. It's killing me to see her like this." He ranted, Cedric nodded.

"I have no idea what's going on but it must be bad." Cedric sighed, running a hand through his hair, "I'll see you later Blaise." Cedric added then walked off. 

Blaise decided to skip his next lesson, A History of Magic, and try and find (y/n). He looked all over the castle, he was about to give up when he looked outside a fifth floor window. He spotted her, she was sitting under a tree near the Black Lake. Blaise sprinted down the moving stair case and out of the castle doors into the grounds.

As he became into ear shot of (y/n), he heard something he had never heard before. She was crying. Blaise stopped, he had never see or heard (y/n) cry. He was a little startled but continued to walk forwards. He knelt down opposite her; the sight in front of him made his heart break into hundreds of piece's.

"Go away." Croaked (y/n), covering her face with her hands and shuffling away from Blaise.

"No, I'm not leaving. I love you and I want to help you." Blaise said with an air of defiance, his voice softened when he next spoke, "Please, let me help you."

(y/n) was silent for a moment before she uncovered her face and looked into Blaise's eyes, "Everyone hates me. I hear what they say about me, they call me ugly, stupid, fat, not good enough-" She began to rant but Blaise took her hands in his and cut her off.

"You're none of those things. You're the complete opposite of that. You're beautiful, you're really intelligent, you're perfect in every way possible and if others can't see that, then they aren't worth your time. Don't listen to them, they are the stupid ones." Blaise said. (y/n) sniffed and nodded.

"Thanks, Blaise. Sorry I pushed you away, I was so caught up in everything." She smiled which made Blaise's heart soar, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Hey, that's okay. I understand. Now, I think it's about time that you wipe those tears away and we go and hex those dickheads who were talking shit about you." Blaise grinned causing (y/n) to laughed.

Blaise pulled away slightly, staring into her (y/e/c) eyes. One of his hands moved from her waist up to her cheek to wipe away a stray tear. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to her warm ones. (y/n) kissed back, running her hand through his black hair. Just as the kiss was getting heated someone cleared their throat. (y/n) pulled away.

Cedric stood in front of them a wide grin on his face, "Glad to see you're feeling better." Everyone laughed and the three of them walked towards the castle, (y/n)'s troubles laid forgotten at the bottom of the tree. 

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