I'm Sick of Hiding || Draco Malfoy

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You tapped your quill against your desk waiting impatiently for History of Magic to end. Since this was your last lesson of the day you were eager to finish lessons for the day. But professor Binns just kept droning on and on about some mad old warlock who roamed the country side in nothing but his cloak.

Checking your watch you let out an exasperated sigh causing one of your friends gave you a confused look, you just rolled your eyes at Binns and sighed again, earning a small chuckle from your friend.

Once Binns had ended the lesson you quickly gathered up your books and rushed out of the classroom. But instead of following your fellow class mates to the (y/h) common room, you sneaked off down the marble stair case and towards the fourth floor.

As you where walking down the corridor someone grabbed your arm and yanked you into a broom cupboard. The door to the cupboard slammed shut and amongst the darkness you heard a familiar voice mutter, 'Lumos'.

The light from the tip of a wand illuminated the small cupboard. Draco Malfoy's face smiled down at you.

"Hey." He smiled at you.

"Hello." You answered before Draco softly pressed his lips against yours. You kissed back, running your hands through his white blonde hair. Draco pulled away and rested his forehead against yours.

"I missed you." He murmured, eyes still closed.

"I missed you too." You answered, sighing and pulling your body out of Draco's arms.

"Draco, I don't know how much longer I can do this for." You stated, looking him right in the eye.

Confusion flashed over his face, "What do you mean?" He asked, putting his free hand in his pocket.

"This. Keeping our relationship a secret. Who cares what other people think, as long as we have each other then it doesn't matter." You answered, running a hand through your hair. Sadness flickered in Draco's eyes as he stepped closer to you, he cupped your chin and softly rubbed circles on your cheek bone.

"I know, I hate it too. Just a little longer." He sighed, resting his forehead upon yours once again.

"Draco, we've been going out for two months. How much longer?" You asked, a mixture of sadness and frustration swirled in your stomach.

"I- I don't know." He confessed, you could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Okay, well. When you figure out just how pathetic this fear of telling people that we're together is, come and find me. But until then don't talk to me." You whispered, pulling away, walking out of the cupboard and down the corridor.

As much as it hurt you to walk away from Draco, the fact that he was scared to tell people about your relationship hurt you more. I was almost like he was saying that you weren't important enough to tell people about.

Over the next couple of days you went to all costs to avoid Draco. Avoiding eye contact, whenever you saw him in the corridors you would tern around and walk through one of the short cuts to your next class, restricting your self to your dorm whenever you weren't in class and even missing classes that you shared with him.

You where sat in your dorm when one of your friends entered, she put her hands on her hips and sighed loudly. Raising an eyebrow you looked up at her, "What?"

"You, Miss (y/l/n), have been cooped up in this dorm the whole day, the only reason you leave is for classes or to get food from the kitchens. I'm sick of it. That's 'what'." She answered, walking over to me.

"Okay?" I said, confused, "Thank you for your input..."

"Come on, you and I are going for a long walk in the grounds." She said, remerging through your trunk and throwing you some clothes to put on.

"Why?" You groaned, slipping further into your bed.

"Because, it's a beautiful day, you need fresh air and you haven't left this dorm in almost three days." She answered, ripping back the covers of your bed.

You let out another frustrated groan, "But I'm comfy!"

"I don't care. You are getting dressed and compressing me on this walk weather you like it or not." She answered, crossing her arms over her chest. Realising that she wouldn't leave you alone until you went with her, you got out of bed, picked up the clothes and grumbling, went to the bathroom the change.

As you walked around the grounds with your friend you told her whats been going on. She didn't say anything but just listened, which you where grateful for.

After explaining you walked around the grounds for a little bit longer then decided to go back up to the castle.

As you walked through the slightly crowded court yard a loud bang caught your attention. Turning around you saw Draco standing on one of the benches, his wand pointed at his throat magically magnifying his voice so that it echoed around the school.

"I, Draco Malfoy, am in love with (y/n) (y/m/n) (y/l/n). We have been going out for two months but I've been to much of a prat to tell anyone. So, I am telling you all now that I am deeply in love with her and if you have a problem with that, you'll have to deal with me." He yelled at the shocked crowd of students.

All eyes where on you, not knowing what to say you yelled the first thing that popped into your head, "Love you too, you nutter." Earning a few snickers from the crowed.

As Draco hopped down from the bench the crowed returned to minding their own business. Draco walked towards you, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Am I forgiven?" He asked, wrapping his arms around your waist. Chuckling you nodded.

"You didn't need to tell people like that." You smiled, wrapping your arms around him.

"Yes, I did. Go big or go home." He grinned and winked at you.

Laughing you shook your head and pressed your lips against his.


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