Draco x Thalia Davis

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☾One year earlier☾

 I walked out onto the quidditch pitch, I'm on the Gryffindor quidditch team and I play chaser. Today we were playing against Slytherin, if we won this match then we will be first in the house cup. 

As I flew the air, chasing after the quaffle, I felt a pair of eyes on me, I chose to ignore it as I chased after the quaffle. 

➣Draco's POV➣ 

I sat high above the match looking for the snitch. I heard Lee Jordan shout over the megaphone, "And chaser Thalia scores another goal for Gryffindor! The score is ninety to thirty!" I cursed under my breath, that Gryffindor chaser is really good. Pity she isn't on the Slytherin team, I've heard of her before. 

Apparently she was supposed to be in Slytherin but chose Gryffindor. Crabb and Goyle said that she has the making to be in Slytherin, she is cunning, sneaky, the only Gryffindor who is willing to get into trouble for the sake of it or just to annoy teachers and she's a badass quidditch player.

I had been staring at Thalia for to long, I noticed Potter diving for a golden flash. I sped towards Potter and the snitch.  

"Gryffindor wins!! Two-hundred and sixty points to thirty!! With a fantastic last goal from Thalia Davis!" Lee Jordan's voice boomed over the cheering crowd of Gryffindors, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. I flew to the ground and landed next to my team captain Marcus Flint. 

"What was that Malfoy?" He all most screamed, I just shrugged, "What was what?" I replied, watching Thalia being hosted up onto her teams shoulders, along with Potter.

"You know! Not concentrating, losing us the match!" He snapped, I rolled my eyes, "Whatever." I replied. 

I turned back towards the Gryffindors, Thalia caught my eye, "Better luck next time Malfoy!" She called to me, wile winking, I felt a small blush form on my cheeks as I chuckled.

⍬The present day⍬         

✾Thalia's POV✾

"Miss Davis", My head snapped up to be met with the steely glare of Professor Snape, "What? I was sleeping." I replied, resting my head on my hand. A few Gryffindors and Slytherins snickered at this, earning a glare from Snape.

"Detention Miss Davis, this Friday." He snapped, I sighed, "Sorry Snape, I'm all booked up for detentions this week, but I'm sure I can fit you in some next week or the week after." I replied, this time the whole class burst out laughing.

"That would be Professor Snape to you, Davis." He hissed.

"But Snape suits you better." I whined, Snape looked like he was about to kill someone, "I will be talking to your house mistress." He said, straitening up and looking down at me. "You can try." I muttered, but I think he heard, as did the rest of the class because they erupted into fits of snickering. 

I looked over at Harry and Ron, who where laughing. I caught a glimpse of Draco, who was smirking at me.

Half an hour later Snape told us that it was the end of the lesson, I picked up my bag and headed out of the dungeons with Hermione.

"You know one day you'll end up getting your self expelled." She huffed, as we headed to the library. I chuckled, "Aww will you miss me when I'm gone?" I asked, Hermione huffed again. "Anyway, through out the whole lesson I could see Malfoy staring at you." She said, I rolled my eyes.

"He should take a picture then, it would last longer." I muttered, as we entered the library, "I don't understand your relationship with him. I mean, sometimes it's like you'r an old married couple who are hopelessly in love with each other but other times its like your mortal enemies." Hermione whispered, strolling along the shelves of books trying to find a free table. 

"I don't know, a love hate relationship I guess." I replied, sitting down at a table in the far corner of the library. 

"Wait, you love him?" Hermione asked, with a grin spread across her face, "If you recall, I said that I didn't know." I replied, Hermione raised an eyebrow, "But he's not that bad looking." I muttered.

Hermione laughed aloud wile my face turn a bright shade of pink, "Shut it." I muttered, pulling out a muggle book Hermione gave me.

✯That night✯ 

I snuck out of the Gryffindor common room, down the corridor, out to the marble stairs then down another corridor. As I was about to turn another corner, when a voice rang out through the dark. At first I thought it was Filch but then I recognised the voice.

"Isn't it a bit to late to wondering the corridors at this time of night?" Draco said, I crossed my arms and turned around to face him, "No, I think this is the perfect time to be wondering the corridors." I replied.

"What are you doing out anyway?" He asked, leaning agains the wall, "I could ask you the same question, Malfoy." I replied.

"Yes, but I asked you first." He smirked, I raised an eyebrow, "Touché." I replied, stepping closer, "I was going to Snapes office to play a prank on him for giving me another detention, before you oh-so kindly interrupted me, now what are you doing out so late?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I came to do this." He said, but before I could ask what he meant, he smashed his lips onto mine, I was slightly shocked at first, but then I kissed him back. After a couple of seconds he pulled back.

"What was that for?" I asked, my hands around his neck and his around my waist. He smirked, "I may or may not have over heard you say to Granger how good looking I was." He chuckled, my face went bright red.

"You where eves dropping?!" I almost yelled, he laughing in response. "I hate you, you stupid git." I muttered, Draco pulled me into a hug, "I love you, you idiot."


Hello Potterheads!

This was requested by @xDenStylesx I am sooooooooo sorry that this is late and I hope you enjoyed it 😁  I'm also so sorry that I haven't updated in AGES but I'll try and update more often 😁 

Also, 17k reads?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!! You guys are the BEST!!!! Oh my god!!!!! I can't believe it!!! AHHH!!! Thank you all sooooooo much!!!!! I love all you crazy potterheads!!! Thank you!!!


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