Chapter 4

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2 weeks later

The sound of the alarm wake me up. I wonder how time fly so fast I felt like I just went to bed. I made my usual routine and went to work with mama. As soon as I step into the penthouse Cealia's voice resonated.

"Now there you are"

There I am? She took my hands and drag me to the kitchen, I see an angry father and son eating their breakfast. I look around wondering where did my mama go.

"I do not need surveillance from a maid! Why in the FÛCK would you fire my FUCKÎNG secretary!" Isaac roar to his father.

I give cealia a look not knowing what to do in this situation. I tried to twist my wrist out of her tight hold.

His father looked really patient. His eyes were lock to his journal. He look up to his son.

"1. You will not disrespect me in my house with that language! 2. I heard about your sexual intercourse with your FORMER secretary which I am deeply disappointed in you, I thought you've changed 3. Isabella will take her place and she will go with you to work and DO NOT DISAPPOINT ME IF YOU WANT TO INHERIT THE AIRLINE ENTERPRISE!!"

SANTIO DIOS! Wait what! Why is my name is on this man mouth. I see Isaac give me a glare and went upstairs to his room furiously. Mr.Powers look at his mad son and face me.

"Oh hello dear, I know it's a bit confusing right now but I would like to have a word with you in my office. Right now."

I just walk with him to the office unknown of what to say. I'm not worthy for a position like that, I don't even know the business world. Mr.Powers indicate me where to sit.

"Isabella I know you may seem to be an a blur but I have a favor to ask you" I nod as he continues " I would appreciate if you work as my son secretary and make him fall in love with you within seven month..."

What the.. Is he serious? I think I didn't ear what he said perfectly. I'm utterly confused about the fall in love part.

"May you repeat the last part I did not quite catch that."

"Sure. Make him fall in love with you within the seven months because he has to be married to take over the enterprise, you have been working for me for almost 2 weeks now and I have been observing you. You're perfect for him."

Why am I involve in this absurdity? Why in the world would he want ME to marry his son? Marry. The word make my stomach flip. I don't want to get married, I am not prepare for a commitment like that.

"I'm sorry I would love to help but marriage is something I take very seriously, it's about commitment to someone you LOVE, I will have to decline this proposition. Your son is a very good looking man and brilliant but I'll have to pass." He just sit on his chair lost in thought with a very serious face. He look up to me.

"I heard that you wish to attend Parson school of design am I right?" He bribe.

I nod. I knowing exactly where he is going with it and I am not going to take this as an advantage. I stand up and Speak about this little bribe he has prepared. Even if he is my boss.

"With all do respect sir, I do not like to have things easy but I work hard to achieve what I want! This is so disrespectful not only to me but to also your son! You're seriously choosing his own wife just because you want your company to stand up! Your son should be the one to claim the heart of the woman he loves, asking me to trick him to make him fall in love with me is absolutely disgraceful!"

He is in shock. I am in shock. Shock of my tone, I try to swallow the ball forming in my throat but it wouldn't go down. I've never raised my voice to someone except to the barstado. My heart rate elevate. His jaw went tight, his eyes fill with fury. I felt nauseous I couldn't even move, I tried to but couldn't I knew what was coming next. He will fire me.

I felt someone picking me up, getting me out of Mr.Powers office. I look to see who it is and saw Isaac his lips were a bit curled up. He wrap my arm around his neck. I close my eyes, my face on his neck. He opens the door to a room and sat me on the bed, next to him and look at me.

"Thank you..."he says.

"I'm going to get fire
I'm going to get fire
I'm going to get fire.."

These were the only word I knew in this moment. I had plans, I just wanted to get enough money to go to a fashion school that's all I wanted. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks, Isaac swipe them away. I just cry harder knowing that I just let down my mother. Isaac took me in his arms and said something I didn't expect "If he do, I'll hire you Bella "

My heart stop at the word Bella. No one but my mother who calls me by this name. He hug me and caress my back as I feel his muscles flex under my palm. I am sure that I have wet his neck yet he hold me closer.

While I cry I can't seemed to ignore his expansive cologne. Proof of how close our proximity. I don't think this is permitted but now I need a hug and I am not refusing.

"I think that's the best thing so far you have suggested son."

We both parted a bit hesitation and a bit awkward. I look at him, all I see is honesty to his words. Isaac is looking at his father but I'm unable to turn around to face him. ¿Porqué mi diós?

For some reason Isaac's hand is till hook on the curve of my hip. The warmth of his hand is an unfamiliar feeling to me, I'm not used to gentleness yet again comfort.

"Father you crossed the line."

"Isabella I think you are aware of your behaviour, it was unacceptable. I don't need to explain myself any further I'll send you your check." He said

I turn quickly at him to finally confront him.


"I'm not talking to you yet, can't you wait..." He huffs at him. "Isabella you can no longer work for me but it's not the last of me I hope it goes well with Isaac. I know you are not familiar with the business but Isaac will guide you."

I can't believe this cunning man. This was his plan all along to fire me and fill in the job of his assistant. Isaac's hand got tighter but not to point it would hurt me. He was furious, he was right where his father wanted him to be.

"Father." He say lowly

"Yes son." He responded sarcastically

"This isn't right just firing her because you think we could be the perfect match in your eyes. You can't just choose for others."

Each words he says grows louder and louder with anger. I flinch a little I can't help it. It's became a regretful habit that I developed growing with my father. He lower his head and pull me closer. I don't know if it's to apologize of his sudden tune to scare me.

"Ah Amelia what has become of this boy." He coos in disagreement. "Isaac you can't go back on your words you exactly said, I quote if he do I'll hire you Bella."

Isaac breathes furiously fanning a strand of hair out my forehead.

"Who said I was going back on my word father. But I don't think what you wish for come true. It will be strictly professional."

"Ah are you sure? Right now you seem really comfortable in such warm embrace." He said

He was right I slightly push Isaac away. I think my hug lasted long enough.

Ohh wow Marshall, what kind of father are you. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.


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