Chapter 20

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I sit quietly as the taxi driver makes a turn, it was snowing out. And it's almost the holidays. It wasn't even on my mind over the course of the days. Thinking about holiday made it hard not to think about my family. Family, were we ever one?

"Miss?" The taxi chauffeur called. "Mind I ask you why the long face, if it's too personal you don't have to talk. Hey! A beautiful girl in my taxi crying. What went wrong?"

"Well." I start with a shaking breath.
"I can now confirm that my father was really a real stranger. What pains me the most is that I thought I wasn't deserving enough to be the blood and flesh daughter to him. One day a loving father next thing you know..."

"You're living with the devil." He finishes my phrase.

"Yes... My mother lied to me. Making me believe he was my father." I look down on my lap, my eyes becomes blurry again.

"Hey at some point you thought of him your father right, forgive that part of him. But just pray he change know. And you're mother has her reasons. Believe or not trust me no mother lies without reason."

"Thank you I need that."

"You're welcome, I'm part therapist and chauffeur, you're in luck."

My phone vibrates in my pocket, It must been the fifth call from Isaac again.

"Isabella." I hear mom voice.

"The moment you leave for Spain don't think I'll be all forgiving when you return. I'm not mad about your flings. I don't care but..." I breathe. A tear fell. "You let a kind of man you married and called husband hurt your child and you. You'd stay strong 'ma, but shamelessly hiding behind your daughter. I love you but I don't feel like talking to you."

"Okay... when you're ready to here me out, I'll tell you bye. Te amo Bella." I close the phone, The rest of my phone calls were from Isaac. My real father is Donavon, Marshall's friend and a godfather to Isaac. My mom just had to be connected somehow to him. The pass can't really leave you.

I press my head against the cool glass.

For twenty four years I've been lied to. For over five years I have been asking myself why would my fath— Alfredo hate me. Despite me. Rejected me like a piece of rotten fish thrown in the trash.

Silence screamed louder than I'd ever known. This aching, vice-like grip around my throat stole each breath, forcing a twisting in my chest. Despite the fresh air of the convertible, I couldn't catch any air.

"At least, you didn't say anything you might regret later. Here's your stop, goodnight and good life." The chauffeur wishes me.

I get out, "Thank you, I'll be back and give you the money I don't have money on me."

"No, it's fine. Your my last one tonight and it's no big deal. Goodnight." He smiles. It's rare to see a genuine person like that.

I quickly turn around and enter the building, I reach to my apartment door. The door busts wide open, Isaac grabs me and closes the door then shove me hard against it. He punches the wall beside my head, I became instantly anxious. His hair was messed up, I could see the redness around his eyes.

"I-Isaac you're scaring me." I whisper.

"No." He answered with a deep rasp. "You're not scared you're just afraid of the rare emotions I'm emitting that you can't handle to see."

He grabs my face in his large hands, he steps forward and looks down, straight in my eyes. He closes his eyes and take a deep breath. He makes an eye contact again.

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