My Guardian Angel

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A week after I met Jack, I remember walking to school with my books in my arms and I was holding them to my chest. My jet black hair was blowing in the gentle wind behind me. I kept on having the feeling that someone was behind me and I was getting more and more scared. When I turned around I bumped into this guy that really tall. "Going somewhere?" I fell to the ground and my books scattered everywhere. "I'm going to school, sir." I tried to stand up, but the man knocked me down again. "No need to get up, darling." I started to scream as he got on top of me. he began to rip my shirt off and I began to scream louder. Then I felt the man's weight leave me and I looked to see Jack pushing him off. I hid my chest and scooted away from the fight. Jack was repeatedly punching the man. Then the man punched Jack in the mouth and I screamed. Jack kicked the man in the stomach and knocked him out. Jack wiped his lip and walked towards me. He knelt down next to me and said, "Are ye alright?" I nodded and he helped me up. He took off his waistcoat and put it around me. I buttoned it up and Jack picked up my books. "Yer going to my house." "Jack, I have to go to school!" He shook his head and said, "No. It's too dangerous. I'll tell yer dad that ye were attacked. Surely he won't give a fuss over that," He put an arm around my shoulders and I looked up at his lip. "Jack, you're bleeding." We started walking back to Jack's house and my heart was racing. Jack saved my life and my purity. "Every morning I'll walk to school with ye. I'm not gonna let that man hurt ye again. Ye hear me?" I nodded and later we reached his house. "Dad and Consuela are out with yer dad. Sit down on the couch." I sat down on the couch and Jack sat my books beside me. He grabbed a cloth and put it on his lip. He sat down onthe other side of me and said, "Ye better be glad that I saved ye. He would've raped ye." I looked at him quizically. "Raped me? What's that?" Jack looked at me with wide eyes. "Brooke, rape is..." I still looked at him. I was confused anf uneduated at the time. I hadn't even had my first kiss then. "We'll talk about it one day. Doesn't yer dad ever talk to ye about 'it'" I shook my head. "I am to never speak of it." Jack ran a hand through his hair. He took my carmel colored hand and said, "Me dad told me that ye father is crazy. He won't educate ye because of ye mum." I felt tears welling up in my eyes. My mother died giving birth to me. "I'm so sorry, Brooke. I shouldn't of said something." He pulled me into his chest and I cried there. The rest of the night Jack and I talked until his dad, step mother, and Father came home. Father understood and was very angry that I was attacked. We went home and that night I laid in my room, remembering the feel of Jack's body to mine. The way his eyes looked in the sunlight and feel of his hands on my waist when he held me. I felt something that night. I thought of Jack in my dreams. I thought of his crooked smile and when I woke up I was wearing one myself.

JA18: Hey guys! I have an important announcement to make. THE LONE RANGER COMES OUT ON DVD DECEMBER 17!! EEEKKK!! I can't wait!! I already saw it in theaters I'm ready to see it again. WHOOP WHOOP!!

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