The Checkup.

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A few weeks had passed since Jack and I had our sweet night. Father returned and gave Jack a reward of eight shillings for watching over me. I went to school every other day and was able to maintain good marks. There was one day that would change everything and would be a day of rememberance on my life. I headed towards the dining table for breakfast when a sudden knock came to the door. I rushed towards it, thinking it was Jack, but it was my worst nightmare. Dr. Grimmel was standing before me with his bag in his hand. "Hello Brooklyn. Are you ready for your checkup?" My eyes grew wide and I stepped back. "Uhhh yes. Father is upstairs. I'll come up and tell him that you've come." He shook his head. "Your father knows that I am here." I sighed and said, "Yes, sir. I guess we should go upstairs." He nodded and I escorted him upstairs. "This is it," I thought. "Father's going to kill Jack. It was every month that my father had assigned me a doctor to check me. It bothered me every time, too. We headed upstairs and I laid down on the bed. I did as Dr. Grimmel told me to. It was the same routine every month starting at age thirteen. When he began to check me he stated the obvious. I wasn't a virgin anymore. It was something that I already knew, and something that Father would hunt Jack down for. I got dressed again as Dr. Grimmel left the room. I began to cry, fearing for Father's anger and Jack's life. Then I heard it. "I'LL KILL THE SON OF A BITCH!" I gasped as I heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. I backed up in a corner and slid down the wall. Then he came busting through my door. "WHERE IS HE!?" Father came towards me and grabbed my face. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, BROOKLYN!!??" I started to sob and cry. I shook my head and I heard more footsteps coming up the stairs. "Brooke, are ye alright?!" Father and I turned at the same time. It was Jack! "JACK, RUN!" It was too late. Father let go of me and was heading towards Jack. He grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and said, "You little bastrd, how dare you corrupt my daughter's life?!" I grabbed Father and pushed him off of Jack. Jack grabbed my hand. "C'mon." We began running down the stairs and we ran outside. "Come back here, you bastard!!" I gasped and we started running towards the docks. "Jack where are we going?" "We're going to me dad's ship. We can stay there for a little while." I nodded and we ran. Later, Jack pulled me behind a tree and we stayed there. I was trying to catch my breath when Jack said, "Yer bloody...crazy." I looked at Jack. "He just...doesn't my mother was." We stayed there until we caught our breaths. We started speed walking to the docks and when we arrived I sighed in relief. I saw Mr. Sparrow on the dock giving orders to some men. "Dad we have an issue." Jack took my hand and we walked up to him. "What is it, Jacky. I'm a bit busy." "Dad, Brooke's dad snapped on her. Can she stay here?" Mr. Sparrow smiled at me, showing his gold teeth. "Jacky, ye know she's apart of the family. Of course she can stay here." I smiled and Jack thanked him. Jack escorted me to his father's ship and we walked up the gang plank. We walked into the downstairs cabin and Jack said, "Welcome to me cabin, darling." Jack took me to the bed and I said, "I'm glad that we're away from him." He nodded and said, "Why did he suddenly have an outburst?" I sighed. "Father's always been protective over my virginity since I was thirteen. I didn't think that he would take it that far." Jack sighed and took off his shirt. "I made love to ye and your father gets pissed off at me. Bloody fantastic." I looked at him quizically. "Jack you had sex with me." He shook his head. "No, Brooke. I made love to ye." He took my hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing it. "I love ye, Brooke, and hell nor high water is gonna keep ye away from me." I smiled. "I love you, too Jack. Father can't take you away from me. If he wants me to be happy, then he must let me be with you." I stood up and kissed him, making my heart beat against his. Jack was my pirate prince and I would be his pirate princess.

JA18: Hey guys! This chapter was SUPER long. I made it long because for the reat of this week, I'm gonna be comin home late from school. I still might be able to update though so don't cry. :D Don't forget to press that star at the top right hand corner and drop me a line.

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