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The next day, Jack and I went north to the town of St. Johnson. It had been years since I had been here, and most of the people got snobbier. I suddenly felt light headed and grabbed Jack's arm. I put my hand to my head and Jack said, "What's wrong, darling?" I shook my head. "I'm not feeling so well." We sat down on the bench and Jack placed his hand on my belly. I felt a kick and he smiled. His smile made me smile and I said, "They're heavy." He laughed and said, "I'm sorry, Brooke." Then these guards came towards us. "Ma'am, sir, can you tell me if you know two people by the names of Jack Sparrow and Brooke Cormier." I nodded. "That's us." The guards looked at each other and then back to us. "Follow us, please." Jack helped me up and he grabbed my hand. They escorted us to this massive tower and we went inside. Jack had a tighter grip on my hand as I saw a throne in the middle and a man sitting on it. "Sir, we have found them." The man stood up and I gasped. "Father?" "Ahh, Brooklyn. So nice that you have finally joined me after so long." He walked closer to me and Jack moved in front of me. "Yer not laying a finger on her. I don't care who the bloody hell ye are. Ye took it too far when ye yelled at her, and yer not gonna do it again." My father laughed. It's not her I want, pirate. It's you." The two guards came and took Jack. I tried to grab him, but two other guards grabbed me away from him. "JACK!" I started crying as I saw someone pull out a fire pit with a rod on it. They held his arms and I knew what was going to happen. They were going to brand him. "No! Father please don't do it!" He grabbed the rod and I saw that there was the letter "P" scorching orange at the end of it. Jack tried fighting them, but it was too late. Father pressed the brand to his right arm and Jack yelled out. "Jack!" Tears were streaming down my face. Father pulled the brand away and I pulled away from the guards and rushed over to Jack. I grabbed him and he grabbed onto me. Then I heard him yell, "Brooke, move!" Jack moved me but the brand hit my shoulder, leaving a scorching pain on my shoulder. I screamed and Jack kicked my father in the shin. Jack picked me up and we rushed out of the tower. "Jack! They're coming!" He ran faster with me, and we passed the crew. "GET ON THE DAMN SHIP NOW! WE'RE SAILING!" We ran to the ship and we all managed to get on it before we the guards came and got us. My shoulder was killing me and I knew that Jack was in worse pain than I was. We sailed away, and Jack and I went to the cabin. He looked at me and said, "Yer dad is a facking lunatic." He fell on the bed and I said, "I know, trust me."

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