Settling Down

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A month later, Jack and I were laying in bed and talking. We were talking about the babies and what they would be. "Jack, I think they'll be girls." I told him. He shook his head. "No darling. They'll be boys. I bet ye ten shillings that they'll be boys." I sighed. "Would you like to have girls, Jack?" "I don't care what they are, love. As long as they're healthy." I smiled and kissed his nose. The ship was rocking  back and forth, nearly lulling me to sleep. Then Jack said, "Brooke, I think I wanna move back to the islands." I looked up at him and asked, "Why do you want to move back?" He shrugged. I just wanna settle down on the islands for a little while, and wait until the babies are born. Then when they get old enough we can move back onto the ocean." I propped my head on my right elbow looking a him puzzled. "Jack, you love the ocean. Why do you suddenly want to leave it?" He looked at me with a serene look in his eyes. "Me mum had me on the ocean and there was a horrible storm that night and not long after I was born she died. Giving birth to me. Me dad always thought it was the curse of the typhoon." My eyes widened. "I want ye to be safe. I don't want ye on the ocean when they're born, savvy?" I nodded and asked, "How soon do you want to move there? What are we going do with the ship, Jack? Have you really thought this through?" He nodded. "We have the money to move in the old house. If it's gone then I have a back up plan." I saw his devious grin and I knew that he had this thought through. "Ok Jack I trust you." He kissed me.

A month later, I was three to four months pregnant while we were moving in. Jack's old mansion was torn down and I found that my house was still standing, but my father was not found in it. At that moment, I began wondering where he was. I pulled Jack aside from giving demands to his crew while they moved us in. "Jack, I want to see my father." He looked at me and scratched his head. "Uhh, yer dad, eh?" I nodded and he said, "Are ye sure that he's even alive , love?" "I know he's alive. He has to be." He looked at me and said, "Alright, love. We'll try to find him." I smiled and kissed him. Then I felt a kick in my belly. "Ooh, Jack." I grabbed his hand and placed it on my belly. I watched his eyes as they widened in amazement. He looked at me, "The lil buggers kicked." I smiled and he pulled me to him. "I love ye so much Brooke. I smiled and said, " I love ye too." We began making out until Jack pulled away. "Let's go behind that bush that we went to on that day ye skipped school." I nodded eagerly and we rushed to the bush.

JA18: Hello my readers! Here's the new update of Loving You Infamously. :D Please comment and vote.

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