If You're Wondering.

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Weeks Later

I was laying down in our bed when Jack entered our cabin. It was late that night and I opened my eyes. I watched as Jack began to take off his hat, coat, waistcoat, and finally, his shirt. He walked over to the window and rested his right hand on the wall to lean his body against it. I smiled a little and got up from the bed. I walked towards him quietly and slowly wrapped my arms around his midsection from behind. I heard him gasp and I said, "It's just me." I kissed his shoulder blade and said, "Where are the children?" "They're with dad." I smiled against his skin and rubbed my cheek against his warmth. I started kissing his shoulder and he turned around in my arms. "Brooke, I love ye." I kissed his collar bone and said, "I love you, too." He backed me up against the bed and laid me down. He climbed on top of me saying the sweetest things to me. "I still feel the same way since the day I fell in love with ye. Yer my ocean that I sail on, and the missing everything that was missing in my life." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. I looked into his eyes and he continued. "The night that our lad and lass were born, I fell in love with ye all over again." He pressed my hand to his chest and he leaned down and unbuttoned the top three buttons of my shirt and opened it. He leaned down and kissed my heart. "Jack, you know that my heart will always be your." He looked up at me and said, "Forever and always." I kissed him and we made love for the rest of the night. When we were done I fell asleep in his arms, only to dream of my infamous Captain Jack Sparrow.

The next morning, I woke up to find Jack not in bed with me. Instead I found a note on the pillow saying:

Brooke, If you're wondering where I am, I am right above you, working hard as the captain of the ship that we live on. I want you to know that I'm thinking of you constantly, never forgetting the smell of your hair, the warmth of your hand in mine, and your voice whispering my name in my ears. You're everything that a pirate could ask for, and a damn good mother to any child looking for one. Never forget that you changed me, darling. You filled every pore of my skin with affection, love, and security. I love you, Brooklyn. Love, Jack.

I wiped the tears falling from my face and smiled. If you're wondering, Jack and I survived the hangman's noose. If you're wondering, Jack and I did become the most infamous pirates of the Caribbean. If you're wondering, this is the final chapter of my life, and let Elijah and Lily pass on our love story down to their children, letting our legend live on.

JA18: Well guys, this is it. The final chapter of Loving You Infamously. Honestly, I am really excited that you guys loved the story because it is so far one of the LONGEST stories I have ever written. :) Don't worry though, I'm going to start my From Hell story as soon and I can think of a name for my OC and title for the story. Love you guys! -Destiny

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