Lily and Elijah.

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Jack's P.O.V

I sat in me office chair, holding me two lil' ones in both me arms. Brooke and I both got what we wanted, I got a son and a daughter and so did she. I felt tears falling down me cheek. Not tears of sadness, but tears of joy. I had them wrapped up in two different shirts, so that I could tell the difference between me lil' ones. I looked over at Brooke and saw that she was looking at me. "Jack, you look like a father." I smiled and sniffled. "Ye think so?" She nodded and asked, "May I see them." I nodded, not realizin' that I had been holding them since the were born. I stood up and gave her the babies one at a time. "Oh Jack, they're beautiful." I smiled and sat next to her. "Are ye alright?" She nodded. "I feel sore, but I'm fine." She sat there for a while, staring at the beautiful creatures that we created together. "What are we going to name them?" I looked up quickly. Dammit, I never thought of any names. I sat there and thought of the first girl name that came to mind. "Lillian Emerson Sparrow. We can call her Lily for short." She smiled and I knew that she liked the name. "It's a beautiful name Jack. I was thinking that we could name our son Elijah Kai Sparrow." I started tearing up again and she started cryin' too. Then I saw Elijah open his eyes and they were the dark color of his mother's eyes. Then Lily opened hers and Brooke said, "She has her father's eyes." I stroked Lily's cheek and she moaned. "Oh Jack. She knows who her father is." I nodded and said, "I'll get the men to bring up the cribs that we bought back in London." She nodded and I kissed the three of them, then I walked out the door. My heart was beating in me chest and a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Ye did it, mate. She's alive and well, and so are ye young ones. Well done Jacky, well done.

JA18: Awww, the twins are alive and well :D This chapter was a doozy because I couldn't think of any names. Anyways, you can think Wardi_Kai for coming up with Lily's middle name and ironically I didn't steal Kai from her username. I actually researched it and found out that Kai means ocean in Hawaiian. :D How ironic! Anyways thanks a bunch! Please comment and vote on this chapter. :D Love you guys

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