Facing the truth.

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Brooke's P.O.V

A few weeks had passed and my bell had gotten bigger. Jack was still in shock about me being pregnant. I had began to wonder if he even wanted to be a father. I laid down on our bed and read a book, until I decided that I couldn't take the curiosity anymore. I need to if he's happy just as much as I am. I went out of the cabin and found the crew scattering around. Then I saw Jack walk up towards me. "What're ye doin' love?" I looked into his eyes and said, "I have to talk to you." I took his hand, and we went inside. I sat on the bed and he stood in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest. "What is it, Brooke?" I bit my lip. nervous to ask him. Then finally the question came out, "Jack, I'm beginning to wonder if the reason why you're spending so much time outside than with me is because you don't want to face the fact that your children are inside me." He looked away from me. Ha! Caught you red handed, Jack! He looked out the window and said, "It's not that I don't want kids, love. I just don't think that I'm cut out to be a dad." He turned around and looked at me. I was crying. "So are you saying that you don't want these babies." His eyes went wide and he rushed towards me. "No, Brooke! I want to keep them. I'm just a little nervous." He knelt down in front of me. I looked into his eyes and smiled, "Don't be nervous." I took his hand and placed it on my slightly swollen stomach. "They're ours, Jack." He nodded and said, "I'm sorry for making ye worry, love. I'll spend more time with ye, I promise on pain and death." I smiled and said, "Think about it, Jack. We could be having triplets." He played with the beads in his beard and said, "Ye got a point there love. I don't think I could manage three of me." I giggled and Jack said, "I'm gonna love ye, darling. Even if yer goin' to be fat and yelling and all that other giddy stuff. I'm still gonna love ye. Now what can I do for ye?" I smiled and said, "Rub my back." He smiled. "Will do, love. Will do."

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