My Distraction.

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It was nearly every night that Jack would come over to my house and cuddle with me in my bed. He would wrap his arms around me and snuggle close to me. One morning before school started, Father was talking to me about Jack. "I am very proud that Jack has decided to walk with you to school. I just don't want him to get in the way of your lessons at school." "Father he won't. I barely see him anyway." He nodded and there was a knock at the door. I got up from the dinner table and answered the door. Jack stood in the door and was clad in his usual wear. "Morning." Jack kissed my cheek and I blushed. Jack walked in and Father called him to the table. "Jack my boy. Take a seat." I began to grow nervous when my father told me to step outside. I sat outside on the steps, and waited for Jack. Five minutes later, Jack came out and I stood up. "Ready to go, darling?" I nodded and Jack took my books and we started walking to school. "What did Father say?" He laughed and said, "I'm not sure that ye wanna know, Brooke." I smiled and said, "Jack, tell me!" He stopped and said, "Persuade me." I nearly melted at the suave, sexy way he said that. I put my hands on his chest and lightly pushed him. He smiled and sat down my books. He pushed me back and I laughed. " I pushed him harder and he pulled me to him, making the both of us fall on the ground. I fell on top of him and we fell with a groan. "Oh Jack I'm sorry." He laughed and said, "It's ok, love." I looked deep into his eyes and said, "Jack I love you." I let the words flow. Then he leaned up towards me and kissed my lips. My eyes widened for a little bit, then they closed. I moaned and he moved his lips around mine and when we pulled away I smiled, slowly opening my eyes. "I love you." I whispered. He smiled crookedly. "I love ye, too. I wanna lay here with ye in me arms all day." "Then do it." I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat. Jack distracted me from school that day and for many days to come. "Brooklyn, I never could gird up the loins to tell ye how I felt. I love ye." He held my head to his chest. "Hold me, love." I smiled holding my love in my arms. I was in love with Jack and he was in love with me. He was my distraction

JA18: Hey guys! If this chapter doesn't make any sense it's probably because It's like 5:38 in the morning. Anyways please comment and vote :)

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