There's a Chance

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Brooke's P.O.V

I was awoken by shuffling in the room. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jack washing himself. I grinned and propped my head on my left elbow, watching him. I enjoyed the way that the suds and water dripped down his torso and pass his abdominal muscles. Then he turned around and I blushed. "Ye've been watching me this whole time, darling." I nodded. "You woke me up." He grinned and said, "I'm sorry, Brooke." He dried himself off and I slowly sat up, wincing in pain. He rushed towards me. "No, no. Lay down." I slowly laid down and he sat down in a chair by the bed. "Ye're not goin' nowhere today." "Jack, I'm fine. He shook his head. "Yer stayin' in here, love. I am too to make it even, savvy?" I smiled. "Where did you learn that word?" He shrugged his shoulders I giggled. I looked at the bandage on his chest. "Can I see?" He nodded and began to take off the bandages. When they were removed I saw that there were two bullet marks in his chest. I gasped and said, "Jack, dear God. You're hurt!" I looked at them and I put my hand on his stomach. "It's alright darling. Your pain probably can't compare to mine." I shook my head. "Jack. You could've been killed! If it were on the other side you probably would've died." I rested my head on his thigh, mentally thanking the Almighty for letting Jack be with me. Jack lifted my head up and said, "Brooke, all that matters at this moment is that I'm alive and so are ye." I smiled and said, "You're right." Jack got up and put the bandages and a clean white shirt on him. "Oh I forgot to ask ye if ye were having anymore pain in yer..." I quirked an eye brow. "In my what?" He bit his lip and glanced at my area. "Ohh! No. But I do need to speak with him. Can you get him?" Jack nodded eagerly and finished getting dressed. Then he left the cabin. I waited patiently until Jack walked in with Shane. "Good Morning." Shane sat down his bag and I raised up my shirt so that he could take a look the wound. I looked at Jack as Shane was puttin on clean bandages. The Shane said, "That's strange." I looked down at Shane and he was looking closely at the wound on my lower stomach. I saw Jack pulling out a bottle of rum amd he uncorked it to take a large swig. "You want some, darling?" I wanted to say yes, but Shane said, "I don't think that'll be necessary, Capn'." Jack and I bothe looked at him puzzled. "Why Shane?" I asked. "Because there could be a chance that she's still with child. We have to get her to land to find a midwife to make sure." My eyes went really wide. Jack dropped the bottle of rum. There was a chance.

JA18: Hello my precious readers! If you're still here I would like to say thanks for reading this chapter. Be sure to drop me a line and turn that gray star on the top right hand corner gold. :D

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