I didn't know.

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Jack's P.O.V

I opened me eyes and saw that I was in the stock room. I looked down and saw a bandage wrapped around me chest. I looked around for Brooke, but I only found Johnson. "Capn', yer alive." I slowly sat up. "Where's Brooke?" He looked at me and I felt that something was wrong. "Where is she!?" I got up and he said, "She's in yer cabin." I ran out of the stock room and ran up the stairs to me cabin.  I opened the door and saw Shane next to Brooke on the bed. "What's wrong with her?" I went over to her side and he said, "She got shot in the abdomen, sir." She was on her back asleep. "Why was there so much blood?" I looked at him and I saw his face pale white. "She..." I started to get frustrated. "What is it?!" He jumped up and said. "She was with child!" My heart dropped and I looked at her.  "I looked back at Shane and I said, "Get Robert. NOW!" Shane scattered off and I grabbed Brooke's hand. My head was on her chest. I listened to her heart beat and sighed with relief when I discovered that she was still breathing. I looked up at her and I saw her beautiful face. The Shane and Johnson came in with Robert. I stood up and said, "Get outside. NOW!" They walked out and I grabbed my whip. I leaned down and pressed my lips to Brooke's. Then I walked outside and I shut the door. "Tie him to the mast!" I uncoiled the whip as they followed me command. "What did I tell ye, Robert. Ye had one command, and ye didn't follow it!" I craked the whip on Robert's back and I heard him tell in pain. "ALL YE HAD TO DO WAS WATCH HER, BUT YE COULDN'T EVEN FACKING DO THAT!"I cracked another lash and he said, "I'm sorry capn'! I thought that I had to fight with the crew!" I lashed him again and felt a pain in me chest. I kept on lashing and lashing him until I knew that he learned his lesson. I looked at me chest and saw my bandage leaking. "Untie him and get him off of me ship." I dropped the whip and Shane took me to me cabin. I walked in and saw Brooke sitting up. "Oh, darling!" I ran to her and hugged her gently. "Jack, you're hurting me." I pulled away and I sat down next to her. Shane unwrapped the bandage around me chest. "You're hurt. Are you ok?" I took her hand. "I'm fine, darling. All I want to know is if you're alright." "I'm fine." I looked down and saw the gun shot wounds. Shane put a fresh bandage on the wounds and left the cabin. I turned and looked into Brooke's eyes. "Are ye sure yer alright, Brooke?" She nodded and I laid down. She joined me and her arm wrapped around me stomach, while her head rested on me shoulder. "Do ye remember what happened, darling?" She nodded and I felt a knot in me chest. She reached for me hand and I gave it to her. "Jack I didn't know...I really didn't I swear. I found out about it when I woke up. I didn't want Shane to tell you because I knew that you would be angry with me." I felt a tear fall onto me shoulder and I turned her face towards mine. "It's not yer fault. I knew that ye were gonna come for me. That's why I made sure that Robert stayed my the door to keep ye inside." I looked into her eyes and saw a bit of relief. "Even if we couldn't keep a baby, it still doesn't change how much  love ye." I kissed her forehead and she threw a leg over my waist. "I love you, Jack Sparrow." She rested her head by my neck and I said, "I love ye too Brooklyn Cormier." I closed me eyes and fell asleep with me beautiful girl in me arms.

JA18: Hello my readers. Here's the new chapter. :D It had a better and happier ending. Let me know if you want any requests. :D

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