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For a while, I say about four months, everything was the same. We traded with other pirates and avoided the East India Trading Company. Nothing changed until we arrived on a little island called "Seven Skulls." Jack had promised me that I was going to give birth on the ship while it was anchored onto an island. For a week, nothing happened. I was beginning to get worried and so was Jack. Then one night Jack and I were asleep in bed when I felt a wetness on my belly. I opened my eyes and raised up the covers. "Oh, no." I tapped Jack on the shoulder. "Jack, wake up!" He shot up and said, "What is it, love?" I pulled off the covers and said, "My water just broke!" He gasped and ran outside, "SHANE, GET YER ARSE IN M CABIN!" I rolled m eyes and gasped when a sharp pain coursed up my back. "Jack!" He walked in with Shane and he locked the door. "Alright now Brooke I'm gonna need ye to take off yer lower garments and spread yer legs." Jack helped me with Shane's request and I spread my legs. "Jack took my hand and said,"Yer gonna be alright, darlin'. I promise." Then another pain coursed up m back and he said, "The contractions are right on top of each other. We should have yer youngins out in a jiffy." Shane got on the bed between my legs and Jack said, "What the bloody hell are ye doin'?!" Shane rolled his eyes. "I have to get in position for the babies. Now push, Brooke!" I started pushing and sweat started forming. "I fucking hate you, Jack! After this I'm going-AHHH!" I screamed as my lower part pushed on it's own. "I'M GOING TO CUT YOUR DICK OFF!" Jack stepped back and I pushed really hard. I started crying and Jack came back to me. "Almost done, Brooke! Push!" I shook my head, "I can't! I can't do it!" "C'mon, love. We're almost done." I pushed and I heard a baby crying. Tears fell from m cheeks and Shane said, "It's a boy." Jack leaned his forehead against mine and then I felt another pain. "Oh, no!" Shane quickly cut the umbilical cord and handed m son to Jack. "Alright, last one I hope. Push!" I pushed and I saw Jack crying. I pushed again...and again...and again until another cry filled the room. "It's a girl." I started crying and Shane cut the cord once again. "I'll stitch ye up and be on me way." Shane stitched me up and I fell asleep.

JA18: Alright guys I need names! A boy full name and also a girl. Leave some comments and vote :D

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