Be With Me.

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Jack and I were laying in his hammock in the cabin. He was stroking my hair and talking sweet to me. We had been laying there all day and nearly all night kissing, touching, and holding one another. It was a dream come true for Jack to be holding me. "Brooke?" "Yes, Jack?" "Run away with me." I looked at him wide eyed. "What?" He looked at me. "Run away with me." I bit my lip. "Brooke, I promise I'll take care of ye. I'll take ye around the world and hold ye every night. I promise to never hurt ye with all me heart. Please run away with me." I felt a tear fall down my cheek. "Jack, you never talk like this." He smiled his crooked grin. "That's because I was never speaking what me heart said," He grabbed my hand and placed it over his heart. I sucked in a breath and he said, "Be with me. I love ye so much, Brooke, and I'm not gonna let ye stay here with yer damn dad and let him force ye into prostitution. I wanna make ye be mine forever." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Jack, I will run away with you, but what about my clothes." Jack grinned almost as if he had half a plan figured out. "I'll talk to dad about that, love. Don't ye worry." He kissed my forehead and I felt both of our hearts leap. Jack and I cuddled and the next morning we did the same thing. Then Jack said that we should head over to my mansion with Mr. Sparrow. We all walked over to my mansion and I saw father outside laying on the steps, drunk. Jack immediately took me inside and we headed upstairs, while Mr. Sparrow distracted my father. "Alright, darling, what do ye need?" I grabbed my knapsack out of my closet and said, "I need my day clothes, some under clothes, and my journal." Jack helped me pack up my stuff and he threw it over his shoulder. "C'mon, darling. We gotta hurry. I don't want yer dad to find us." Jack took a quick look out of my window and my dad said, "It's safe, but we gotta hurry." Jack and I rushed down the stairs and I saw Mr. Sparrow beckoning us to hurry. We left the mansion and I felt a bit sad that my father drank last night. We left thr mansion and back to the ship. I sat in the hammock of Jack's cabin and Jack got down on his knees in front of me. "Brooke, don't think about yer dad. He nearly hit ye yesterday and ye still love him?" I nodded. "He's my father, Jack. I can't forget about him. He's the only family I've got left." Jack took my hands in his. "Ye've got me." I smiled and Jack kissed me. "I'm glad that ye decided to be mine." I nodded. "Me too, Jack. Me too."

JA18: Hello my precious readers! I really enjoyed the comments that you guys put. :D Please comment and vote. Also I'm a bit stuck on what to do next. Leave ideas anytime you have any.

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