Chapter 2

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I walked around the corner after I gave Mark my number. I can't believe it. Did I really just do that? I did, didn't I?

I have to push that thought out of my head and focus on getting to work. I walked into a building that has a sign outside that was old and rusty. It once said Candy's Burgers but if you look at it, it says 'Can 's Bu rs' the rest of the letters are faded so you can't even see them anymore.

I walked straight in and right to the back. I took my jacket off and placed it on the hook after taking my apron. I then clocked in and headed to wash my hands. "Hey! There's my girl!" Rocky said. I turned to see my coworker Rocky with his bright blue hair.

Let's just get this out of the way. He's gay. And he doesn't care. "Hey Rocky, have you told your parents yet?" I asked referring to him coming out to his parents.

"About that." He said. I grabbed a note book to write orders down and placed it in my apron. Its 9 and the place just opened so no one has came in yet. Lucky us. So we can talk for a little.

"Still didn't tell them yet?" I said.

"No. I was, but my dad was super mad last night so I decided it would be best not to." He said. His parents are hard core Christians and believe in every word of the Bible and of course do not believe in gay marriage and what not.

"Rock you have to tell them the longer you wait the more likely you're not gonna tell them." I said. The bell rang and a couple came in. "Think about that." The couple sat in my section and I went to get there order.

It was a old couple and they both sat on the same side of the both. It was so cute. "Hey guys. I'm Mia and I'll be your waitress this morning. Can I start you off with some coffee, or tea?" I said handing them menus.

"Oh, well have some coffee, black." The lady said. I nodded and scribbled it on the notepad.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Not right now sweet heart." The lady said.

"All right I'll be right back with your drinks." I walked over to Rocky who was standing there waiting for more people.

"Ok. I understand. But he'll hate me." He said.

"That's something you're gonna have to get passed." I said grabbing two coffee mugs and pouring coffee into them.  "If you don't tell him you can never be yourself around him." I walked back over to the couple and placed the cups down. "It is hot so be careful."

"All right." The older man said.

"So are you guys ready, or do you need some more time." I asked.

"Nope." They said and I took there orders. And gave the order to the chef.

"All right I'll tell them tonight. No matter what." He said. He looked at me. "So how was your morning? I noticed a little pep in your step."

"Why it was good so far this morning. I met a guy." I said.

"Really, what does he look like?" Rocky asked.

"Uh he is tall." I said.

"Tall like me or shorter?"

"Just a little shorter. Not quite 6 feet." I said. After I explained to him I had to get my order and gave it to the cute couple.

It's now almost noon. And the place is getting kind of busy. Lucky most of the people are on Rocky's side and not mine. Just then the door bell rang meaning someone was coming in. "Just take a seat and someone will help you." I noticed it was Three guys most likely in there twenty's and they sat in my area.

So I quickly handed out the food I had in my hands and grabbed some menus. I then walked over to the group and passed out the menus. "May I start you off with something to drink?" I grabbed my note pad out and looked up at the guys.

And I couldn't believe my eyes. "I'd like a pepsi." The one that was wearing hat and is more on the thicker side.

"Coke." The skinny one with brown hair said.

"And I'd like..." The last one trailed off when he looked at me. "Mia."

"Hey." I said, "are you stocking me now?" I wanted to lighten the mood.

"Of course." He said chuckling. I smiled. I then saw the other guys look confuse out of the corner of my eye. "Um but anyways. I don't want you to get in trouble so I'll let you get back to work. And I'll also have a coke."

"All right I'll be right back with your drinks." I said and headed to get the drinks. When I got back I saw Rocky look at me.

"What's with the big smile?" He asked.

"The guy I was telling you about is sitting over there at that table." I said motioning over to the table I was just that.

"Which one?" He asked.

"The one sitting on the side by himself." I added.

"Let me take the drinks." He said grabbing the drinks I just finish pouring. I saw him reach the table and place the drinks down.

The bell rang and then I heard 'order up'. I turned around and grabbed the plates for a table in my section. I then walked passed Rocky who I heard say 'oh my god'. That made me smile. I got to the table and passed out the food. And then headed over to marks table.

"Are you guys ready to order?" I asked.

"I would say my friend would want your number but I see he all ready has that." The skinny one said. I started to blush and I looked down. "I'll have a cheese burger with bacon."
"Ok." I looked over at the one wearing a hat.

"I'll have the same as him." He said.

"Got it." I looked at Mark.

"Um. I'll also take a burger with cheese and extra bacon." He said.

"All right." I said. "Anything else?"

"Have any appetizers?" The skinny one asked.

"Chicken wings, boneless chicken wings, those come in barbeque, honey mustard, and sweet and sour. We also have mazterela sticks and popcorn chicken." I said.

"Can we have an order of sweet and sour boneless chicken wings and the mazterela sticks." The skinny one said.

"All right." I said and walked away. I gave the cooks my order and went and did my rounds.

Once I gave Mark and the guys there check they left and I headed over to the table to clean up. I picked up the dishes and placed them into a bin. I then reached for the tip and saw a piece of paper. I looked at it and saw that it said.

Here's my number sence I have yours.

It had his number and his name at the end. I smiled and placed it into my pocket.

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