chapter 46

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"You almost ready?" Mark asked walking into the bathroom.

"Almost but if ya keep asking I'm gonna take longer." I told him finishing up my makeup and putting it away.

"Come on hurry." He complained. I turned around to him and put my hands on his hips.

"I don't want to go if you're gonna be a butt." I told him.

"I'm always a butt." He said turning and walking out of the room. I followed him out of the room. We walked to the living room and saw the guys and Ruby. I walked up behind the couch and leaned over.

"Thanks for watching her tonight boys." I said giving both of them a kiss on their cheeks.

"No problem." Ethan said.

"Yeah now get out of here before we kick ya out." Tyler joked. I rolled my eyes and went to say goodbye to Ruby.

We walked out to the garage and getting in the car. We were driving for a few minutes before he spoke up.

"Alright put this on?" He said.

"What why?" I asked him handing me a blindfold.

"It's a surprise." He said in his normal sexy voice.

"But I have makeup on." I complained.

"Who cares put it on."

"Mark. But I'll look ugly." I said.

"What the hell are you saying. You're never ugly." He said grabbing my hand and bringing it to his lips and gave it a quick kiss. He then let go and I grabbed the blind fold and placed it on my head.

I smiled at what mark said. And sat there with the blindfold on.

This is weird. Yet exciting at the same time. I wonder what mark has planed for tonight? Unless he's trying to kill me...

"Are ya trying to kill me?" I laughed.

"Fuck. You foiled my plans. Now I'm gonna have to kill you know." Mark said in a serious voice. I started laughing along with him and ended up snorting. "You fucking snorted!" I continued to laugh harder causing me to snort again. "Stop doing that!" By this time I couldn't stop. "Mia!"

"Ok. Ok. Sorry!" I laughed. And settled down. Mark still laughed. "If you keep laughing I'm gonna laugh again."

"Alright. Just shut up and don't talk unless I tell you too." He said.

"No. I'm gonna talk when ever I feel like talking." I said.

"Alright." Mark said.

After who knows how long the car came to the stop and mark turned the car off. "Can I get out?" I whined.

"No." Mark said slamming the door shut. I sat there with my arms crossed. "Ok you can come out but keep the blindfold on." He said while opening my door. He helped me out and he held both of my hands in his. He then walked behind me and placed his hands on my hips and gently pushed me forward. I rested my hands on top of his and let him hide me to where ever we are going. I felt him move away from me and soon I felt his hands on my face. But he didn't take the blind fold off but pressed his warm lips against mind. "I love you."

"I love you." I leaned up and tried to kiss him but got his chin.

"You missed." He chuckled. I moved my hands to his face to try to help hide me to his lips. But Mark being Mark decided to start moving.

There's Always A Reason. [Markipler Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now