Chapter 6

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After I dropped or in this case walked Mia to here house I walked back to my car by the coffee shop and headed home. It was a great day.

At first I was nerves in calling her but I ended up doing it. She's a really cool person. She laughed at all my jokes. And I can tell they were actual laughs and not fake ones, because her eyes sparkled when she laughed.

We talked about games we played and work, and just other stories that we wanted to share. It was amazing. She's amazing.

I found out that Mia is the baby of her family with 3 other siblings, all boys. She's crazy, funny, and played many sports in highschool tell she had a accident on the softball field. She got a out field hit. She was on 3rd base when the other team finally got the ball. She still ran home and ended up having to dive for the plat. She said she had an asthma attack or something she couldn't remember and she couldn't breath or even move. She had to be carried off the field on a gurnee.

I also learned that she had to drop out of college, but trys to take a online class once in a while. I'm guessing it was because Ruby was born. But I could be wrong. She said she always wanted to be a graphic designer. She said she's pretty good at Photoshop and video editing. And she wishes she could go back and get her degree in it. But then again she said there was some hing else she always wanted to do but she never actually said it, so I don't know what.

And then she told me about her daughter Ruby. I could see where she would be scared to tell me. I know that kids do scare a lot of people our age. But if there is something between Mia and I then I'm not gonna let a kid get in the way.

Mia is just the sweetest girl I have meet in the longest time. She's all smiles and honestly really cute. Her eyes are what get me though. They are brown with gold streaks. And they sparkle when she smiles and laughs. And when she does she lights up. And personally I want to make her laugh as much as I can just so I can see her smile.

And don't get me started on all the bad puns she said as we were walking. Oh they were so bad that I couldn't help it but laugh. And it made her laugh.

I can't wait to see her again. And I hope the feelings are mutual. She's just, there is something different about her and I really like it.

I'm guessing it's the fact she is a mom that makes her different. But anyways. I can't wait to call her again.


Both Rocky and Ruby are still sleeping. And I'm sitting in the kitchen on my lap top. I'm scrolling through YouTube. If only I didn't forget to ask what his name was. So I opened a new tab and typed Mark Fischbach. And guess what there is a lot of information on him. I looked and right away found his YouTube name.


I looked up his name and clicked on one of his newer videos. Google fued. That seams good.

After the video I couldn't help but laugh and smile. This is gold. I love it. After the video I closed my computer and sat there trying to calm down.

Mark is such a sweet guy. He's so nice and funny. I was hoping he would text but technically he didn't, but a call was a lot better. It shows that there is a better chance that he actually wanted a date and not a hope to get me in bed.

He was constantly making jokes and laughing at his own jokes. It made me smile so much.

And a plus is that he laughed at my bad puns. His laugh is contagious. Every time he laughed I would laugh.

He told me about this one time where he decided to take a lesson on pole dancing. And then how he got some friends to join in another class some time after the first one. I was wondering why in the hell a guy would do that but he did it for fun.

I also found out that he was going to college for engineering but decided that he wasn't happy there and he didn't want to do that for the rest of his life. And that's understandable I don't want to be a waitress the rest of my life. I'm hoping to go back to college when Ruby is in school but right now it's not the right time.

And I gotta point out that I like his hair. It looks soft and fluffy. And sence he has red hair it looked like a pellow. And I told him that and that it looked soft. And he let me feel his hair.

Is that weird. Well I don't care. It was soft. And yes, it was fluffy. 

I liked that he didn't care that I had a kid. Im glad that he said he wanted to get to know me. And he wanted to get to know me. And that he's not gonna flake. It makes me so happy.

I want him to meet Ruby. She's a bubbly little girl and would probably love to meet him. But I'm not gonna let that happen tell I know for a fact that he won't leave. I don't want to bring random guys into her life. That would just confuse her... And me... And most likely everyone.

I can't wait tell he calls. I want to see him again. Today was probably one of the best dates I have had in years. And I mean many years. I know it was just coffee and a walk but we actually talked and I liked it. Not like when you go to the movies and you don't talk during and before you talk about what you hope the movie would be and after you talked about how good the movie was and then you go your separate way.

I sat there and heard Ruby behind me. "Mommy, can I have juice?" I looked at her.

"Of corse."

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