chapter 33

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We were sitting on the couch watching movies when there was a knock on the door. "I got it." Mia stood up and walked over to the door. She opened it and there stood a man and a woman. "Are you Mia Kent?" The man asked.

"Yes." She said. I stood up with ruby in my arms and walked up behind her.

"We are from child protection services. We heard that there was abuse in the house hold." The woman said.

"Abuse?" I asked. I looked over at mia whos eyes were huge. I then looked back at the two people.

"Now were not saying it's true. But under these circumstances we have to take the child out of the home tell further notice." The man added.

Mia lost it. "What?" She yelled. "You can't take her away from me. You can't I'm not abusing her. She is my whole world." Tears started falling down her face. I wrapped my free arm around her.

"I'm sorry it's just temporary." The women said taking ruby from my hands.

"Please ma'am. Don't take her." I pleaded. Tears were now rolling down my face. I tried to hold on to ruby but had not luck. They took her from my arms. Ruby started to cry and call for me and Mia.

"Momma. Don't let it them take me." She cried. Mia tried to go after the woman who was walking down the hall with Ruby,  but the guy stopped up.

"Please you can't do this." Mia cried.

"I'm sorry." He said walking away leaving me and Mia standing in the living room crying. Mia then fell to her knees and I fell down with her. We both cried.

"They can't do this. They can't." Mia said threw sobs.

"Shh." I said rubbing her back.

"Mark they took my little girl." She cried looking me in my eyes.

"I know. But will her back." I told her trying to soothe her.

"I want my little girl back." Mia went back to crying Into my chest.

"What is it that you always tell me and ruby when something goes wrong?" She pulled away from me and looked at me.

"What?" She whispered.

"There is always a reason." I told her. She then pushed away from Me and stood up. I stood up with her.

"Whats the reason. For this? huh?" She yelled. "Hey took my daughter from me, Mark. What's the good in that?"

"I don't know." I told her trying to pla e my hands on her side. She then pushed away from me yet again.

"No Mark. No!" She screamed. I was just going to let her get it out. "There is never any good when it comes to having you child taken from you. It's never good!"

"Mia..." I tried to talk.

"No! You don't get it because it's not your kid." She yelled.

"She may not technically be mine, but she's like my own, Mia." I told her softly.

"Get out." She said.

"Mia." I tried to reason with her.

"Get out!" She screamed pointing to the door. "Now!" I slowwly walked over to the door and turned to her.

"Mia baby please." I said. She slammed the door in my face. I stood there. I don't want to go home and leave her here.

I turned around and placed my back against the door. I slid all the way to the ground and sat there.

I know Mia's not mad at me. She just upset. And I really don't blame her. I'm really upset and she not my daughter.

I pulled my leggs up to my. Heat and started to cry.

How could they just take her? Who told them that Mia was abusive? She not. Mia doesn't even like spanking her when She has to.

I dont know how long I was sitting there for but the door across from me opened and Mrs.
Yields opened the door and looked down at me.

"Oh honey what's the matter?" She asked.

I wripped my face with my hand and looked up at her. "Child protection services came and took ruby from us today." I told her. She looked shocked.

"How come?" She asked.

"Some one told them that Mia was being abusive." I started to cry again.

"Oh honey." She said, "it's gonna be ok." I looked up at her again. "You know. Everything happens for a reason."

"What's the reason then?" I asked.

"That, you are going to ha e to find out yourself in time." She said. I nodded.

"It hurts so much." I told her. "It feels like my hearts been ripped apart and stomped on." She gave me a weak smile.

"I know the feeling. You just hope that you get her back soon." She told me.

"Thank you." I said looking at her. She gave me another weak smile and walked back I side. I just sat there. I'm not leaving this spot at all tonight.

There's Always A Reason. [Markipler Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now