Chapter 60:

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Mark and I were in the car heading over to my parents. I was driving and mark was in the passengers seat. He got a sunburn and hurt really bad. I laughed at him. "Don't laugh at me." Me whined. I giggled again.

"Not my fault you fell asleep outside." I told him.

"What were you doing?" He asked.

"I was in the nice big jet tube." I told him. I asked if you wanted to join but you never texted back." I said.

"I never got that text." He said. "Or I would have." He leaned the chair back. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I pulled up to a stop light and looked at Mark.

"You look like a tomato." I said.

"Shut up." He whined. "It hurts so much."

"When we got to my moms I'll see if she has Aloe Vera or something." I told him. I poked his arm.

"Don't." He yelled.

"But I love you." I laughed. After a few minutes and tones of marks complaining we made it to my parents house. I turned the car off and got out. I walked up the sidewalk then turned around and saw mark still sitting in the car. I walked over and opened the door. "If you want help then get the hell out." I unbuckled him and helped him out. I closed the door and heard the front door open.

I turned around and saw 5 boys running towards me. They all tackled me in a hug. "Hey boys." I said.

"Aunt Mia how was your trip?" The oldest Alec asked.

"Pretty good but mark got a bad sunburn." I told them. All the boys laughed and looked at him.

"Momma daddy!" Ruby came running out of the house. She ran over to mark first due to the boys all around me. Mark picked her up and then flinched as he picked her up. He sat her down. "What happened daddy?"

"I got a bad sunburn." He said.

"Alright boys. I need to go inside and find grandma." I told them.

"My dads inside." Alex said.

"He is?" I asked. Clark is in the army and wasn't able to go to the wedding due to being in tour. And I can't remember how long ago I last seen him. I see his wife Victoria all the time but never him.

The boys moved and I ran inside. "Clark!" I ran through the house and saw him in the back yard with my parents and other brothers. I busted the back door open and ran down the steps.

He must have just gotten back today because he was still in his uniform. He turned to me and I ran right over to him and jumped in his arms. He put me down. "Where's this man of yours? I still need to meet him." Clark said. I turned around and saw mark slowly walking down the steps with Ruby holding his hand.

"He's sunburned." I said.

"Let me go get some aloe Vera." My mom said walking back inside past Mark. Mark walked up to us.

"Mark. This is Clark." I said. "Clark this is my husband mark."

"It's nice to see that Mia found a good man." Clark said. "Really wish I could have made it but sadly I couldn't."

"It's nice to finally meet you." Mark said shaking his hand.

"Here you go hun." My mom said frank g his shoulder. Mark flinched and squealed. I covered my mouth to hide my giggle. "I'm so sorry hun."

"It's fine." He laughed. He grabbed the aloe and put some on his shoulders. "Hun can you help?" He turned around and I rubbed some on this shoulders. He gave a sound of relief. Everyone laughed and the kids ran out.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "You feel better?" I asked.

"Much better." He smiled and kissed me.

"Our mom has magic powers." My second oldest brother Bruce said taking a sip of a beer. Everyone laughed. "Not kidding. Once mia and Daryl broke one of dads superman figurines and mom fixed it. And it looked like it never broke."

"Oh yeah Daryl pushed me into the cabinets." I said.

"No! That's not it you pushed me." Daryl shot back.

"Ok who ever push whoever it was like 20 years ago." I said.

"You pushed me." Daryl mumbled. Everyone laughed.

"Momma!" Ruby ran over to me and I picked me up. "Olli wants to know if I can play ware guns with them?"

"I don't know bug we have to still go home and relieve Tyler or Ethan from the house." I said.

"You can't stay for a little longer sis?" Clark asked.

"I would love to but I do need to get home. We need to rest up and mark needs to work on some videos." I said.

"Alright. But you guys need to come hang out at my place some time." Clark said. Mark let go of me and I walked over to Clark. I wrapped my free arm around him and hugged him. "I love you sis."

"I love you too."

We said our good byes and Ruby went and grabbed her stuff with Alec and Olli. 

Mark picked Ruby up and buckled her up in her car seat while I put her bags in the trunk along with mine.

When I got in the car mark had his seat leaned all the way back and was messing with Ruby. I started the car and pulled away from the curb. "Hey Sparky. We got you some shells." Mark said.

I could imagine her face right now. Smiling from ear to ear. Teeth showing. Eyes glowing. She loves seashells. "Really?" She asked. I looked in the review mirror and saw the face that I pictured.

"Mark are you trying to get ride of my seashells?" I asked.

Mark laughed, "yes. You have a problem?"

"Yes. They're mine." I laughed.

"But I want some mommy." She said.

"Don't worry. We got you some too." I smiled.


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