Chapter 47

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Ok this chapter was not planed BUT, I was watching Mark play RE7 where the girls name is Mia... so I decided to make a short chapter. Hope you like it!!

I was sitting on the couch with Ruby on the floor playing with toys and and watching... uh... some cartoon that she likes... I want to say papa pig or something like that.

Mark was recording a video and has been in his recording room for awhile. Must be his resident evil game. I picked up my phone and scrolled trough my social media.

Once I was done and board with the scrolling I turned my phone off, tossed it on the coffee table,and looked over at Ruby who had her lips pressed together trying to get some blocks to stack on top of each other. And she wasn't getting anywhere with it.

She let out a small grunt and smacked the tower over. She then crossed her arms and pouted.

I couldn't  hold back my laughter and busted up laughing. She snapped her head towards me and glared. "Not funny mommy!" She said.

"I'm sorry but it was funny." I laughed. She then went back to playing with her toys.

Just then Mark walked into the living room. He had his head down and arms to his side. I raised my eyebrow at him. "Babe what's wrong?" He walked in front of me and grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet. He then wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. "Bad recording?" He nodded, causing me to giggle. "Resident evil?" He nodded again. "What happened this time?" I rolled my eyes and smiled.

He let go of me and stepped backwards. He was frowning. "I killed you." He said.

"Killed me?" Then I remembered. The girls name is Mia in the game. "Never mind. First when you found out the girls name was Mia and the main guys name was Ethan. You had to question me and Ethan then. And now you killed me. I guess you really didn't believe nothing was going on with me and Ethan." I started laughing.

"I didn't want to kill you but I had a choice I chose either you or zoey." I cut him off.

"You chose another girl!" I yelled jokingly.

"What! I just wanted to see what would happen." He told me.

"Nope to late you chose someone else. Maybe I'll chose someone else." I joked. "Like maybe..." I looked around the room. "Maybe I'll chose Chica." I tried to move towards Chica but he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss.

"Nope. I could never chose someone other than you." He whispered and kissed me again.

"Eww. Cooties!" Ruby yelled. Mark let go of me and ran over to her and swooped her up in his arms. He started planting kisses on her cheek.

She giggled and tried to get out of his grip. He put her down and she ran away. "No more!" Ruby yelled.

"Sparky come back!" Mark yelled.

"You have been rejected!" I yelled. Mark turned to me. And tackled me in a hug causing me to lose my balance and fall backwards. Lucky enough for me I was standing by the couch and fell on that with mark landing on top with me.

And he didn't try to get off of me. "I love you."

"Yeah sure you do. You did just kill me." I said.

"Yep I love you enough to make sure no one else can have you." Me laughed leaning down and kissing my neck. I laughed and tried to push him off me but wouldn't move.

"Stop don't you have things to go and kill?" I asked. He stoped and looked at me.

"Maybe I do." He gets off of me and starts to walk away.

"I love you." I screamed.

"No you don't!" Mark yelled back.

"Jerk." I said.

"Heard that!" I rolled my eyes at him.

I love my my dork.

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