chapter 15

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We were walking down the street and I had Ruby on my shoulders and Mia was on my left. We were going to the cafe that Mia works at because it's close and we wanted to walk. Once we got to the door I lifted Ruby off my shoulders and held her on my side. And with my free hand I opened the door for Mia.

"Thank you." She said walking in.

"Get out of here!" I looked around and saw her roommate standing behind the counter looking at us. I smiled and Ruby tried to get out of my grip.

"I'm gonna sit in your section just to piss you off." She said. Rudy calmed down and started giggling. Mia then led the way to a booth and Ruby wanted to sit my herself on one side. Not that I'm complaining or anything. I don't mind having to sit by Mia.

Mia wanted to set on the end so I let her. And of course Ruby sat across from us. Just then her room mate, Rocky if I'm not mistaken, walked over to us. He handed out menus and Ruby sat on her knees and leaned her hands on the table. "Bug, do you need a booster seat?" Mia asked.

"Please?" Ruby said. This little girl is one of the sweetest and most polite kids I've seen.

"I'll be right back." Rocky walked off.

"Momma I want Mac and cheese." She said.

"Alright what do you want to drink?" Mia asked. I picked up my menu and looked it over. What breakfast all day? Oh yeah!

"Milk." She said.

"Ok. Here ya go." Rocky came back with a booster seat. Ruby stood on the seat and Rocky placed the seat down and grabed Ruby's hand and helped her into her seat. She plopped down and picked up the crayons that she had.

We gave Rocky our order and he walked away. Mia was looking through her phone and I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arm around her waist. She leaned on my shoulder and she keeped scrolling through her Instagram. I grabbed her phone from her and typed my name into the search engine. And once I found my account I made her follow me and then handed her back her phone.

She smiled and started going though my photos. I placed my head on top of hers and looked down at her phone. I heard her chuckle and I smiled. "No!" We both looked over at Ruby. She held a broken crayon. I laughed and Ruby slamed the crayon on the table and crossed her arms.

"Here's your drinks." Rocky came back with our drinks. "Sorry it took a bit people started showing up." He passed the drinks out. " you guys ready to order?"

"I want the Mac and cheese." Ruby said.

"All right. And you want hot dogs?" Ruby nodded. " and jerk face what about you?" He looked over at Mia.

"Uh, I want a hamburger with waffle fries." She said. Folding up her menu.

"And you?"

"I'll take a cheese omlet with bacon inside and a order of bacon on the side." He nodded wrote it down and walked away. I felt something brush against my face. I then felt Mia press her lips to my check and then nudged her head in the crook of my next. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her and pulled her as close as I can into my side.

"Hey sparky. What are you drawing over their?" I asked.

"It's me, and momma, and you." She said picking up the paper and showing her little drawing. I like how she made sure my person had red hair. I smiled and she went back to drawing.

"She really likes you." Mia said.

"Oh yeah?"

"She was even scares that I would like you more than her."


"Yeah but I made sure she knew that she was always my number one." She smiled and whispered so that Ruby wouldn't hear.

Our food came and we ate. Once we were done I payed and left a tip. I looked up and saw that Mia was trying to get to Rudy who had fallen asleep at the table. "Hey I got her." I said.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said grabbing Ruby and placing her on my side. She smiled and we walked out of the building. I felt Ruby wrap her arms around my neck and her legs around my body. She also had her head placed on my shoulder. I saw Mia pull her phone out and took a picture of us. She smiled and we walked. When we got to her building she punched the number in and opened the door.

When we got to the apartment we went in and Mia closed the door behind us. "I got her from her. Hey bug." Mia said and grabed Ruby. Rudy had sleepy eyes and as soon as she was in mia's arms as wrapped her arms and legs around her. I watched Mia walk to Ruby's bedroom. I walked over to the couch and sat on one end of the couch. A few minutes later Mia came out and sat by me.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her onto my lap. I moved so that my legs were on the couch and Mia was sitting between the legs with her back against my chest. She grabed the remote and turned on the TV.

So we sat there and watched TV for who knows how long. I then heard a slight snore. Mia had fallen asleep on me. I moved slowly so that I was also laying on the couch and moved Mia to my side and still managed to both stay on the couch. Today was a good day. I had a great time today. I started to feel my eyelids fall. Maybe a few hours of sleep wouldn't be a bad thing.

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