Chapter 11

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I was sitting at the counter at work. Ruby was having a hard time sleeping last night. I don't know why either. So I had to stay up with her tell she fell asleep. I just want the day to end and I have the weekend off.

"What's up with you sunshine?" Candy said behind me.

"Ruby couldn't sleep last night." I said, "She finnaly fall asleep at 4."

"Did ya try warm milk?" She asked.

"Yep." I added.

"Hold on." She walked to the back and soon came back with a small box. "Sleepy time tea. Make her a cup of this and it should make her sleep. And it's all natural ingredients."

"Thanks." She placed the box down and I picked it up. I then went and placed it under the cabinet. Just then there was a ding and a huge group of teenage kids walked in. And the worst part they sat in my section.

Fuck. I grabbed my note pad and headed to the table. "Hey I'm Mia and I am your waitress for today, may I start you with something to drink?" I handed the menus out.

"We just got hwre. You can wait a god Dame second." A blond girl said.

"Ok. Just holler when you're ready." I gave a smile and walked away. "Stupid ass kids."

I stood by the counter and waited. A few minutes later I heard someone say something. "Hello. Can't we get some service in this place." The blond girl said. I walked over to them and pulled out my notebook. "We all want a glass of beer."

"I need to see id's." I said.

"Excuse me." He red headed friend said.

"I need IDs." I said.

"You think we're lying?" The brunette said. The guys pulled out there IDs and showed me and they were OK. The girls on the other hand wouldn't.

"Sorry ma'am I need to see id's it doesn't matter if you are of age or not I need IDs." I said looking at them.

"Then just bring us ice water." I wrote it down.

"Any appetizers?" I asked.

"mozzarella sticks." The blond said.

"I'm sorry ma'am. We ran out of those." I said.

"How the hell do you run out." She said.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" I asked.

"Yeah. Some good service." She laughed. "Leave."

"I'll be back with your drinks." I smiled and went to get there drinks. I pord the beers and put ice in the other glasses and got the waters. I went back and gave them there drinks.

"I didn't want ice." The blond said putting the glass in my face so close that I had to move my head back so she didn't hit my face.

"Sorry. You didn't ask for no ice. I'll go get you a new one." I grabbed the cup and came back with a glass of water room temp. I handed her the glass and she took a sip and spit it all over me. I whipped my face off and looked at her.

"It's warm." She said.

"You asked for no ice the water is going to be room temperature. I can't help that." She slamed the glass on the table and crossed her arms. "Can I get you guys something to eat?" They ordered and the girls asked for salads with everything on the side.

I hate these guys so much. When there food was done I took it over to the table. And handed everything out. I didn't have the sides for the salads so I had to go back and get it. When I came back the blond girl swang her hands around and knocked the tray out of my hands and made it fall over me. The table laughed and I went and got more sides and placed it on the tables for them. "Excuse me. I want a chocolate milkshake." The blond said.

A few minutes later I walked back over to them with the shake. And the girl grabbed it and dumped it all over my chest. I stood there with milkshake all over me. I took a few steps backwards and then turned around and stormed off to the kitchen. Candy saw me and asked what happened. So u told her while I cleaned myself off.

She then stormed off and I followed. She had to go containers in her hands. Once she go to the table she tossed the containers on the table. And she slamed something on the table. "You guys are paying and leaving. You do not treat my employees like that. Now pay and leave. Before I call the copes. And if I see you hear again I will not serve you." Candy yelled.

"Excuse me." The blond said.

"You're leaving." Candy said. The group slowwly got there stufff and left. Leaving money for the food. Candy then walked over to me. "Go home and I'll cover for you the rest of the day. I agreed and did what I had to and then left.

I walked down the street and went to Jessica's to pick up Ruby. When I got to the house I picked her up paied Jessica and headed home with ruby. She kepped asking me why I was covered in food. And I told her that some people are mean and did this to me at work.

" I want to kick there little booty for doing that." She said I laughed and she placed her hands on her hips. I laughed because everyday she reminded me of me. And I just love her so much.

When we got home and I took a shower while Ruby played and watched TV. When I was soon I went and hung out with rudy tell Rockey got home and he said that he would make dinner for us. And he is a amazing cook.

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