Chapter 16

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I woke up on my couch. Wasn't mark here. I heard giggling behind me. So I sat up and looked around. "Shh" I heard. I'm so confused. Then there was more giggling. It sounds like it's coming from behind the couch. I looked behind the couch and saw Ruby and Mark. There was a bunch of Ruby's toys and Mark had a bed sheet tied around his neck and Ruby had her baby blanket tied around her neck. And Rudy was wearing my sunglasses and Mark had a pair of swimming goggles on. I laughed and they smiled at me.

"You guys are dorks." I said.

"Momma join us!" Ruby yelled.

"It depends what are we playing?" I asked.

"Superheros, duh." Mark said. I giggled. I then grabed my phone.

"It's 7:30?" I said. "Shit." I stood up and walked over to the kitchen. I started looking through the cabnits. Nothing. I need to go grocery shopping. I closed the cabinets and turned around and had two people starting at me. "Hey dorks. You wanna go grocery shopping?"

"Can I dress like this?" Ruby asked looking at me with puppy dog eyes. I looked over to mark and he was also giving me puppy dog eyes.

"I guess." I said. I grabbed my phone wallet and bag along with my jacket. I put my shoes on. "Ruby. Come here." Ruby came running with her jacket. I somehow managed to get her jacket on without taking her blanket off. She then ran to the door and opened it. "Hey. Ruby!" I yelled. I stood up and she came running back to the door.

"Yes momma?" She said.

"Wait for me!" Mark yelled. He ran after her with the sheet still on. Ruby yelled and ran down the hallway.

"Dorks." I said. I followed behind them and closed the door locking the dead bolt with my keys. I heard a door open behind me then followed by laughing. I turned around and saw my neighbor Mrs. Yelds was standing at the door looking down the hall at my two idiots dressed up as superheros.

"That's just adorable." She said.

*yeah I know." I said.

"She seams like she really likes him. " Mrs. Yelds said.

"She does. He thinks she's amazing." I looked down at me feet then up at her. "I'm glad I found him. Or well he found me."

"Hey can you do me a favor?" She asked. "I forgot to check my mail today. When you get back can you check it for me?"

"Oh yeah of course." She handed me the mailbox key.

"I'll come by tomorrow morning and pick it up then. Thank you so much." She said.

"No problem." I said and she closed her door. I placed the key in my bag and headed down the hall where my superheros were at.


We pulled up to the parking spot and Mark jumped out and helped Ruby get out of the back. And by the way, they BOTH are still dressed up. Mark placed Ruby on his shoulders and we walked to the front and grabed a cart. Once inside mark put Ruby down and she started running around the aisles.

I started to put what ever I wanted or needed in the shipping cart. We were getting some weird stares from families and others. But I really don't care. These two were mine and I won't trade them for anything. Ruby jumped on the end of the cart and mark came up behind me and placed a hand on each side of mine. I then felt his lips on my cheek. I smiled and felt Ruby jump off the end and run around. "Your a dork. You know that right."

"I know. But I'm your dork." He said.

"Oh you are?" I said. I felt his breath on my ear.

"And your mine." I felt him push away and run in front of me following Ruby. Ruby had her hands pointing and front of her and she ran around acting like she was a superhero.

After we went through the store getting everything we went and payed.

Mark helped me put the grocery's in the trunk. And went and put the cart away. I looked at the clock on the dash. 8:17. Shit. I'm gonna go get something to eat. Mark got back in the car and buckled up. I looked in the back and saw Ruby yawning. "Hey bug, are you Hungary?" I asked.

"Ya, momma." She said rubbing her eyes.

I looked over at Mark who finnaly took the goggles off and had rings on his forehead. I laughed. "Are you OK with McDonald's?" I asked.

"Yeah that's fine." He said rubbing his forehead. He flipped the visor down and looked at himself with the mirror. He started laughing. That made me laugh. When we pulled into the apartment parking lot mark and I got out and I opened the back door and saw Ruby was asleep. I crawled in and unbuckled her.

"Hey bug." Vi pushed her hair out of her face. She started to slowwly open her eyes. "Their ya are. Come one. We need help." She sat up and I handed her the two bags of McDonald's food. While mark and I grabed the rest off the bags.

We managed to get i to the apartment and I placed the bags Down. "I'll be right back. You guys go ahead and eat." I rummaged through my bag and grabbed Mrs. Yields keys along with mine. I ran back down stairs and went and grabed mine and Mrs. Y's mail and headed back upstairs. I saw that Ruby was asleep on the ground in front of the coffee table and Mark was asleep on the couch. I picked up Ruby from the ground and took her to her room. I untied her blanket from around her neck, took my sunglasses off her head, and pulled her shoes off. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead.

I walked back into the livingroom and walked up to mark. I grabed the food in his hand and placed it on the coffee table. I then untied the sheet and just left it under him. I then went to the closet and grabed a blanket. I placed it on the arm of the couch and untied marks shoes and took them off him. I then covered him with the blanket. He started to move and his eyes slowlly opened. "Shh go back to sleep." I said.

"Good night kiss?" He said. I chuckled and leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his lips.


"Night." He closed his eyes and went back to sleep. I smiled at him.

I grabed the food and put it back in the bag and placed the bag in the fridge. I grabed mine that I left on the table and ate it while I put the grocery's away. Once I was done with everything I walked to my room and changed into sweat pants and a tee and went to bed.

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