Chapter 57

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He pulled up to a small bungalow, turning off the engine and sitting in silence for a while. It didn't look lonely from the outside, there were still flowers planted on the grass in front of it and birds were flying from the trees. I watched as Michael gazed at the home he grew up in with despair. I squeezed his hand to make him look at me and gave him the most sympathetic smile I could, before opening the car door and stepping out onto the pavement. He followed soon after, waking ahead of me as we got to the front door. He picked up a key from under a plant pot and opened the front door, stepping into the dark hallway. It was dusty; the smell of mould and moth balls was strong. He flicked on the light switch and stopped in the middle of the room, taking in his old surroundings. I moved around the rooms, opening curtains and airing out the place before the solicitor arrived. I glanced at all the family photos of Karen and Michael; he was such a cute child. I didn't know a lot about his family only that his dad left him when he was very young; Karen raised him alone. I walked back into the hallway and smiled at Michael as he stared at the floor.

"You look like your mother dressed like that" He mumbled. I looked down at my dress then back to him in confusion. "I thought I looked good" I went quiet. He scoffed and turned away. "You look like an uptight bitch" He muttered under his breath. I clenched my jaw and narrowed my eyes. "Why are you saying this? Stop" I responded, getting his full attention. "That woman is an insult to the word mother" He glared. "I don't care what you think about her" I spat. He stepped forward and grabbed my wrist. "Your mum should be dead instead of mine" He whispered, a smirk on his lips. I raised the hand that wasn't in his grip and swung it across his face. It didn't do much, just made him grip even tighter to my wrist. "You shouldn't have done that" His eyes were dark and empty. "Stop it" I whimpered. I tried to back away but he pushed me up against the wall. "Get off of me" I yelled. I gathered every ounce of strength to shove him off me which I thought wasn't going to work, but it did. I didn't waste a second to run away and head out the door. "I don't know who you are anymore" I sighed, walking back out into the driveway. "Georgie wait" He pleaded from the door. "Fuck off" I rolled my eyes, taking out my phone and walking around the corner of the road. I didn't have many options, I needed to get home and I didn't really know where I was. I put the phone to my ear and waited for them to answer.

"Hey" Ashton's voice echoed down the line. I sniffed and sat down on the pavement, taking off my heels and untying my hair. "What's wrong? Has something happened?" He panicked. "Kind of, I need picking up" I sighed, running my finger through my hair. "Okay, you're at Karen's right?" I heard car keys jingle around in the background. "Yeah, can you hurry please" I sounded desperate. "5 minutes I swear" He replied before hanging up. I put the phone in my lap and looked around at the small suburban neighbourhood. It was pretty here, quiet as well. I wouldn't be surprised if they heard us fighting and would discuss it in their weekly neighbourhood watch meetings. I was so tired, I haven't slept in days and I had no idea how I still managed to function for a whole day. I was starting to doubt everything I thought I knew about Michael, the man I've seen in the last few days doesn't even resemble who he used to be. It scared me and I felt awful that it did, but I still hoped that he never intentionally wants to hurt me, and soon he will come running back apologising and begging for my forgiveness. I've always been an optimist.

I raised my head and saw Ashton in Gwyn's car stopping in front of me. I stood up and smiled thankfully as he reached over and opened the passenger door. "Get in" He smirked; I did as I was told and collapsed down on the chair. "So are you going to tell me what happened?" He continued the conversation as he pulled off the curb. I was hoping that we could be quiet for a while, let me gather my thoughts and think of what to do now, but obviously not. "He was in a bad mood, we started arguing somehow and then he pinned me up against a wall but I managed to get before anything happened" I watched him and he stared blankly out at the road ahead, his hands gripping the steering wheel more than normal. "How many times has this happened?" He asked, still not looking at me. "A few times I guess, but it's okay, I'm fine" I shrugged. The car jolted for a second and he gripped even harder to the steering wheel. "It is never okay to use violence, he is supposed to protect you and love you and if he treats you like this you don't deserve him. No one should ever be made to feel any less than perfect at all times" He sighed, glancing at me with sad eyes before looking back at the road. We arrived at Gwyn's house and he turned the engine off in silence. "I want you to promise me something" He was looking at me properly now. "Yeah sure" I mumbled. "Promise me that if he does anything, say anything or touches you in the wrong way again you will pack your bags and leave him. We will all understand if you do" He frowned. I opened my mouth to say something in defence but no words came out. I looked at the floor and nodded my head. "Fine, I promise" I turned away and got out the car, walking along the driveway and up to the door. "Thank you" He said comfortingly, putting his hand on my shoulder briefly before we went inside.

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