Chapter 63

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Georgie's POV

The constant drone of the alarm clock woke me from my sleep. I turned over onto my back with a groan and blindly fumbled around trying to make it stop before giving in and opening my eyes and looking around the grey four walls of my bedroom. Once the alarm had stopped I sat with my feet hanging off the side of the bed, as I rubbed my eyes and pulled my hair out of the messy and almost non-existent ponytail I had put it in before I fell asleep the night before. The frizzy brown strands were brushed through as I picked up my hairbrush from the nightstand and wandered over to the mirror hanging by my wardrobe. I threw the hairbrush down on the cream carpet and pulled out a freshly washed and ironed white shirt from a hanger and buttoned it up to above my chest. I stretched and struggled to pull on the extra skinny jeans over my legs this early in the morning but managed to do it without making too much noise. I picked up a pair of black boots from the floor and perched on the bed to tie them up, before reaching for my dark green bomber jacket and my bag as I left the room. I hummed as I entered the hallway, scuffing my shoes along the floor and putting my arms through my jacket sleeves. The television was on, the smell of toast wafted around the living room and kitchen making my stomach groan.

"Good morning!" I saw a smiling figure sit up on the sofa. "Hey" I smiled, shuffling over to him and sitting beside him. "How are you on this fine autumn morning?" He grinned slouching back down and picking up the slice of buttered toast from the plate on the coffee table beside him. "Fine" I scoffed, turning the volume of the tv up and snatching the toast from his hands before he took a bit. He was watching some kind of news program, although it wasn't like serious news, more like celebrities or how to lose ten pounds in two weeks by eating nothing but grass. "Why are you watching this?" I rolled my eyes at him, taking a bit of his toast. "Um, I was interested in one of the stories coming up" He tried to take the remote out of my hand but I moved my arm away from him. "And what story is that?" I raised my eyebrow suspiciously. Then the screen caught my attention and I dropped the remote onto the floor. I sat rigid in my seat as I stared at the screen in front of us. "I'm sorry, I thought you would be at work when it came on" He sighed, as I held my breath and watched four boys all sit on a leather sofa and start talking to a over enthusiastic woman beside them. I snapped back into my own thoughts and stood up, pulling my bag onto my shoulder and picking up my house keys. "You're right, I should be at work" I whispered, striding towards the door at a quick pace. "I'm sorry George" He shouted, as I slammed the front door behind me and began to walk along the pavement under the brown trees and cold morning air.

I tried to repress what I had just seen, staring directly at all their smiling faces was enough to send me back down to where I was a year ago, which was a place I didn't want to be. I was happy, I was over it. As long as I kept my self away from anything that reminded me of them I was fine. This was my life now; I was stable and had a routine that suited my style of living. I had a job, I was working my way through training courses so I could become a certified teacher, so I could actually have a career and stand on my own two feet. I was sharing an apartment with my best friend and working with my close second. I now had a small group of friends that are more loving and considerate than anyone else I have ever known. Yeah, I missed the old friends and memories that would pop into my head from time to time but they're all different people now, every single one of us has grown up and I think if we were all to meet up we wouldn't get along like we used to. This was life and at some point this was always going to happen, I'm glad it was sooner rather than later.
I walked down the main streets of Sydney towards the café I was introduced to such a long time ago. There they were again, just before I entered the shop I managed to catch a glimpse of the four of them on a magazine cover placed on a news stand on the other side of the road.

I shook my head and shut the door behind me, taking my jacket off and heading towards the counter where the brown haired boy was grinning at me. "Late again" He smirked, as I threw my stuff in the back room and stood beside him at the register. "Busy morning" I yawned, starching my head. He nodded and started turning on the coffee machines as I tied my red apron around my waist. "Cat was in here last night" He added, leaning against the wooden counter and watching me tie my hair back into a bun. "Really, I thought she was off travelling with her new boyfriend?" I scrunched my eyes together. He shook his head and bit his lip. "No, she was with this girl, Harriet I think I name was, they were sat in here most of the evening making phone calls and writing things down" He shrugged. I frowned and turned away from him. "It was only a matter of time before they all starting coming back" I mumbled.

Okay so I hope it all makes sense with the time jump, don't know if it's going too quickly or not..

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