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Harry's pov;

"Harry?" The voice through the phone makes me freeze and I regret the action I just made.

"Harry, honey are you there?" What do I say to her? 'Hey I am angry so I thought I would call you even if I haven't called you for one year now' ?


"You what? Is everything alright?" She asked. She didn't ask why I called or why I'm calling her now after so long, or why I didn't anyway.

"I don't know why I called you" I finally say.

"It's okay. Maybe your heart said so" She said.

"Mum, I made a mistake" I said.

"You can always talk to me about it" Her voice is full of hope. I don't want to crush her, not again, but with my state, I might as well do it, I have no control.

"You'll be disappointed and you'll think I'm crazy" I said.

"I knew you were crazy the moment you were born Harry. And I'm never disappointed of you" She said.

"Never?" I ask.

"Yes never"

"You're lying" I spit.

"How could I lie about something like this?" She asked.

"You can't say I never disappoint you when I have done it a thousand times" I said.

"We all make mistakes and yours are forgiven" She said.

"I never should have called" I said and paced up and down my room.

"Don't say that"

"You can't tell me what to say or what not to" I yelled and threw my phone on my bed after hanging up.

I go down to the kitchen and grab a beer out of the fridge. I open it and then plop down the couch, taking a sip.

"Hey mate" Zayn said, sitting across me next to Louis.

"Fuck you" I said.

"Someone's a sunshine today" Louis said.

"I said, fuck you" I repeated.

"Don't be a bitch, Styles" Zayn said.

"She thinks she can tell me what to do. Both of them. Who do they think they are?!" I said after taking another sip of my beer.

"There's two of them involved? Damn Harry, slow down there" Louis laughed

"Shut up" I snap.

"Who's she? Or better, them" Zayn asked.

"My mother and Jasmine's" I clench my jaw.

"Oh so this is not a chick problem" Louis said.

"Wait, your mum? Is she here?" Zayn asked.

"No, dumbass. I came back from the hospital and I was furious and called her for no reason. I got more pissed off because of what she told me" I said.

"What happened at the hospital?" Louis asked.

"And why do you still have your mum's number after you left? You were clear you didn't want to talk to her again, even if the poor woman didn't do anything" Zayn asked.

"Jasmine woke up and her mum told me 'it will be better if I stop visiting her now because she will ask all these questions and I will slow her recovery'. Like who the hell is she to tell me what to do? But it's not like I care, she's some random girl I run over because I was drunk" I said.

"You realise how you sound right?" Zayn asked.

"I sound just how I should be" I defend myself.

"No you sound selfish. And she's right, you can't just invade her life now" Louis said.

"I swear, if I ever see her around campus, I'll flip" I said.

"Why would you find her here?" Zayn asked.

"Her sister told me a couple of weeks ago that she studies in UCL" I said.

"Really? What does she study?" Louis asked.

"Psychology" I said.

"You're in major trouble. Don't go to her man, she was in a coma, you'll just bring her more problems" Zayn said.

"Why would I ever get her in trouble?" I asked.

"You probably differ. Everyone differs from you Harry. Also, what if she falls for you? Thought about that? Then she'll have to deal with your antics and your world" Zayn said and I bursted into laughter.

"She would never. And what, you think I would fall for her?" I laughed even harder at the thought.

"You never know" Louis said.

My phone buzzes and I see a text from an unknown number.

~It's Jesy. She fell back asleep and we don't know when she will wake up again. Thought I'll let you know~ It read.

~Yeah thanks~ I reply.

"Who was it? You seem serious" Zayn said.

"Her sister" I said.

"Ah what did she say?"

"She's back asleep"

"Are you going to visit again?" Louis asked.

"Why, she's okay now" I said.

"I bet you will. You always change your mind" Zayn smirked.

"If I do, I will go when she's asleep, her sister will tell me" I rolled my eyes at them.

"So now you get updates too?" Zayn said.

"Oh fuck off"

"You never told us why you still have your mum's number" Louis said.

"I just..., kept it. I never deleted it" I said.

"Hey, if Jasmine wakes up and goes back to campus, you should bring her over some time" Zayn said.

"Never. Especially around you perverts"

"Speak for yourself" Zayn said.

"I have a girlfriend" Louis said.

"Still" I said.


After two days, I visit while she's sleeping and I start talking to her.

"Hey uh... I don't know what to say or what I'm doing but yeah. I brought you flowers. I don't know why either, my friends told me to. Anyway, your mum doesn't really like me but I'm not surprised. Also, my hand hurts, I punched a wall because I was mad. I don't know why I said that" I say and look down on my feet.

"I like your name. I'm not supposed to be here but your sister let me. I'm not supposed to do a lot of things, but I always do them anyway" I laugh at myself. I'm pathetic.

I spent a few more minutes talking about random things. I leave when Jesy tells me her mum will be here in a while. I go back to the house and of course, Zayn tells me he told me so, that I'll go back there.

"I'll show you you're wrong. I won't go there again" I said.

"It'll be fun to see you be back at your old ways" He challenged me.

I wanted to go back to that anyway. Now my days will be peaceful and full of what I want them to be.

~I hope you liked this chapter. Love ya. x -Eva. xx

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