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Jasmine's pov;

Everyone is done with college for Christmas, and then there's me, having the classes I missed while I was in the hospital. It's quite exhausting, but it's the only way for me to get every note I don't have.

~Have you done your Christmas shopping yet? -H~

~No, it's too early to do them -J~

~It's 20th December, don't tell me you are a late Christmas shopper. -H~

~Maybe... But why does it matter? -J~

~Do you have plans for today? -H~

~I just finished my classes and no. I have only an assignment to do -J~

~Good, I'm coming to get you, stay where you are. -H~

~You don't even know where I am -J~

~Tell me, then, jesus. -H~ I can hear his voice saying this ironically.

I texted him where I was, and within a few minutes, he came to get me with his car.

"Why would I want to do my shopping with you?" I asked, after fastening my seatbelt.

"Because I'm fun to be with" He said.

"Not really" I said.

"You haven't seen all the aspects of fun" He smirked.

"And would rather not to, thanks" I chuckled.

"Boring" He said.

"Just drive" I rolled my eyes at him.

"You should get something for the party on Friday, too" He said.

"There's a party?" I asked.

"Yeah, I would tell you. In our place" He said.

"I don't know if I'll come" I said.

"I didn't ask you, you will" He said.

"You're so rude" I said.

"You too" He smiled.

"But I already have clothes" I said.

"Yeah but, I want to help you pick up something. Besides, it's the holidays, treat yourself" He said.

"Hey, do I get the boys a gift? I've known them long enough to consider them friends, but do I? I don't know" I said.

"Whatever you want" He said.

"I guess I will, I want to be nice. But you'll have to help me pick something for each of them, I have no idea what they'd like" I said.

"It's more easy than you think. They're quite predictable" He said.

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