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Jasmine's pov;

I haven't talked to Harry since I told him I was going on a date with Zayn. Despite my texts and calls, he hasn't answered to anything, so I've given up on trying. Honestly, if he wants to be friends, he has to talk to me, not ignore me and be a bitch about things.

It's New Year's and I'll see him tonight at the party. I wonder if he will even bother to interract with me, or if he'll find an excuse for why he hasn't been replying to me.

I go to the party at around 10pm, when they told me to and find the group of the five familiar boys, along with Louis' girlfriend, Danielle.

"Hey" I said.

"You're here" Zayn said and smiled at me. He wrapped one arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek.

After chatting a while with everyone- except Harry- Zayn left to go get me a drink.

"Hi" I went over to him. He looked at me and raised a brow, then looked away again.

"So this is how it's going now" I said.

"What?" He said.

"What did I do to you?" I asked.

"You're ignoring me" He said.

"Excuse me? I have been trying to reach out to you since after Christmas" I said.

"You could have came here to search for me" He said and took a sip out of his drink.

"Well, you could have answered my texts in the first place" I said.

"Why, so you will keep ditching me because you have a date?" He asked.

"It was one time" I said.

"It can easily happen again" He said.

"Harry, you're being ridiculous. We're friends, you should understand where I'm coming from. I know you're a guy, but you should understand this nevertheless" I said.

"Well I don't. Because I wouldn't bail on you for a random chick" He said.

"Is it because Zayn's your friend?" I asked.

"No I'm talking in general here" He said.

"I don't get you. I really don't. You're being really selfish right now" I said.

"Well that's who I am. Selfish is my middle name" He said.

"I can see it. I could have predicted that" I said.

"Surprise surprise, I thought you would understand it from the beginning too" He rolled his eyes.

"You're such an asshole" I said.

"Is anything wrong?" Zayn asked.

"Your little girlfriend is being annoying" Harry said.

"Why are you fighting?" Zayn asked.

"Because he's being stupid and selfish" I said.

"Yeah and you are not" Harry rolled his eyes yet again.

"Kids, kids. Give yourselves a break" Zayn said and handed me my drink. He got me away from Harry and I sighed.

"Why did you fight?" Zayn asked.

"He hasn't been talking to me for days now, he's been ignoring me since I bailed on him and asked for a raincheck" I said.

"Why did you bail on him?" He asked.

"Because we had a date. I explained it to him and he says I'll do it again" I said.

"Oh. Let me talk to him for a moment" Zayn said.

"No it's fine" I said.

"He's my friend. I'll be back in a second" He said and I nodded.

Harry's pov;

"Styles" I heard Zayn's voice. Can he give me a break?

"What?" I asked.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"What's wrong?" I asked too.

"All of the fighting. Jasmine told me you were mad at her because she had plans already with me for a date, when you asked her to spend time together" He said. Of course she would tell him. She knows him less than me, but she would never tell me something like this.

"Yeah so?" I shrugged.

"Man, do you like her? It's pretty clear you were pissed off she bailed on you for me. If you like her, I can back off" He said.

"Like her? That's the least I feel for her. Never in a million years would I like her. I'm spending time with her because she'll be alone or something if I'm not there" I said.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Couldn't be more sure. Tell her I was just being stupid and I'm sorry. Maybe now that she has you, I won't have to spend time with her" I said.

"Alright. What you just said was a little rude though" He defended her.

"It's true. I can quit the act now. Her family will forget about me and the whole incident and I will not have to talk to her" I said.

"Don't be an asshole to her. She's a nice girl. I told you from the beginning, if you get her messed up with your life, she'll be in big trouble because of you, again" He said.

"Don't worry mate. She has you" I said.

"Okay" He said and left.

Honestly, he's doing me a favor. I'm done being so nice. Everyone will think I'm a soft person or something. First my mother, now her. No she will not tell me to talk to my mum or what to do in general. I don't need anyone to boss me around.

Jasmine's pov;

Why didn't Zayn say I'm not his girlfriend to Harry? We've only kissed twice and being on one date, that doesn't mean anything. He's a really good person, nice company and I'd like to spend more time with him. But relationships are complicated. What if some day he tells me he loves me? I'll have to say the same, and when I don't, he'll probably break up with me and be disappointed.

I don't want to be a bitch and a heartbreaker. All relationships end anyway.

"Hey babe" Zayn smiled and came up to me.

"Hey. How did it go?" I asked.

"Good, I guess. He says he's sorry and that he was being stupid" He said.

"Mhm okay" I said.

The rest of the night was spend dancing, having fun with the guys and getting to know Danielle more. I'm glad I have a female around, if there were only guys, I would not be able to survive. Zayn and I exchanged a New Year's kiss and it was really nice. If the year started like this, I can't wait what else it holds for me.

~I hope you liked this chapter! Love you. -Eva. xx

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