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Jasmine's pov;

I wake up from the bright rays of the sun on my eyes, and the absence of Zayn next to me. It's 11am, early enough. I hear shuffles from the bathroom and I know he's in there, so I wait.

"Good morning" He smiles and comes up to me, kissing my temple, after he walks out.

"Good morning" I smiled back.

"Excuse me, I need to pee" I say and he laughs, as I do too. I do whatever I have to do, and pull my hair up into a messy bun. I wash my face and I get my dress from the hanger as soon as I step outside.

"You're not staying for brekafast?" He asked.

"Um I don't know. Breakfast in this dress?" I asked.

"Stay how you are" He said.

"Won't the others start saying things about us?" I asked.

"They know how I am and how I treat ladies Jasmine. Also, they can't mess with me" He winked.

"Alright" I said.

"I'm going down to see if there is any breakfast, come whenever you are ready" He said and I nodded.

I check my phone and have no new messages or calls. I hesitantly go to the kitchen, and everyone besides Louis is sitting on the table, eating.

"Morning guys" I said quietly. I'd rather not be made into a big deal right now.

"Good morning" Niall said.

Harry looks at me, his jaw clenched and he goes back to eating when I sit next to him. "Hey" I say to him.

He looks at me and then ignores me, not even saying a word. I sigh and begin to eat my toast with some orange juice. He's being so problematic lately, it's starting to get on my nerves.

"Can you drive me, to my dorm after?" I asked Harry.

"Why, don't you have a car?" He smiled sarcastically.

"Fine I'll walk" I said. The rest of our breakfast was quiet and thankfully no one said anything about my appearance. Awkward was an understatement.

I changed into my dress and thanked Zayn for letting me stay last night. As I got out of his room, Harry was ready to go in his.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"My dorm, where else would I go to?" I asked.

"You could stay here. I mean, you stayed all night with Zayn and ignored me, I don't see why you shouldn't stay and do that more" He shrugged.

"I ignored you? You did!" I said.

"No I didn't. You were too busy kissing Mr. Malik the oh so attractive singer" He mocked.

"That's what this is all about? Why does it even matter what I do?" I asked.

"It doesn't. I don't give a shit about what you do or who you're with" He snapped.

"Yeah... Exactly. Thanks a lot" I said and walked downstairs. I was beyond mad and frustrated at him. I just got back to my dorm and started packing my things to go to my mother's tomorrow.

It will be better for me to spend some time with my family after so long, and I will finally get to see my dad after a year. I'll be away from Harry and campus, so I'll have the best Christmas I can.


The ride to my mother's house was a good two hours, which gave me time to meditate on how I want to behave towards the whole Mark situation. I could be nicer to him.

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