Twenty Eight.

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---Twenty Eight---

Jasmine's pov;

My days have been awfully quiet, lonely and boring. I try to pass my time with studying and writing, but I've been having a terrible writer's block, which doesn't help at all. I've realized that the only sort of friend I had the past few months, was Harry.

All of the others, just tell me to go out with them, and I just decline their offers. Harry is so impulsive, that it makes me cheer up. He just can't settle with a no, he doesn't beg, he takes you and forces you to have fun, in a really good way. You think it'll be awful, but you just have some amazing moments with him. He can be so joyful and civil, but then his real self is revealed because he gets disgruntled and it makes you think his nice behaviour was all an act.

I strongly believe it is an act. He's such a good liar, he should be an actor instead of a lawyer. The irony is that he studies law, when he breaks half of them sometimes. On the other hand, lawyers lie all the time, so it suits him perfectly.

I don't get what girls find in him and talk to him, even worse, sleep with him. It's not always about good looks, if you are a dick, why would someone want to share such an intimate moment with you? The only kind of girls that I can think of wanting to do sexual things with him, are, pardon my French, whores. It makes me sick of even thinking about it.

I can't even remember how I got to thinking about him again. I was just laying on my bed, listening to music, and he popped out of nowhere in my head. He is everywhere. From the day I met him, he doesn't seem to go away and it irritates me to the maximum. It's frustrating really. Not even Zayn has been on my mind so much, and we even dated. For a week but that doesn't matter, I always found him attractive.

I remember Harry when he wore his fedora, the day he took me to Primrose Hill. It suits him so well. The way his little curls, that have grown a bit, pop out is adorable. The sweater he wore made him seem so warm, like he always is. He always wears those black skinny jeans and those boots. He should get new ones, he's destroying them. His style is so simple but he looks good in anything he wears. Not that I've noticed, it's just a rumour flying around campus.

His eyes are so green, I feel like I'm lost in a forest when I look into them. They rarely shine bright, they darken so easily, and I've noticed they darken a lot when I frustrate him. I like to frustrate him, he deserves to be upset sometimes. I and his friends, shouldn't be the only ones to be angry. We deserve a break away from him, before we have to visit the madhouse.

I just got a chance to get away from him, but all I think about is him, it doesn't even make sense. The more I spend time with him, the more I will have him in my mind. He's probably laughing at me right now, and how stupid I am for even going with him those days he dragged me to his car. He's making me have headaches.

"Jasmine, are you in a whole new world?" I heard Leigh say, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"That was a terrible pun, sorry. I'm st planet Earth now" I said.

"I always wanted to tell you something Aladdin related, it's tempting because of your name" She said.

"Wasn't funny to me" I said.

"Anyway. We're going to go out with the boys and you are coming, because I said so" She smiled.

"Ugh, where?" I asked.

"The Warner Bros Studio Tour, the Making of Harry Potter" She said.

"No way, okay I'm coming. I am not missing this" I said.

"That was fast" She laughed.

"Well, when you talk about Harry Potter, you have my attention" I said.

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