Forty Seven.

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---Forty Seven---

Jasmine's pov;

Again, after my Thursday shift, I stay longer, to explain to Jackson what Harry told me the other day. I tell him what he wants me to try doing and what I want him to try doing, how we agreed to do this together.

"So he told you to think differently of relationships?" Jackson asked.

"Exactly" I said.

"He likes you" He smirked.

"No he doesn't"

"Then explain to me, why would he even tell you all that?" He raised a brow.

"Because he... Uh.., because he.... I can't think of a decent excuse, but he can't like me and I surely can't like him" I said.

"Why not? Stop thinking like that, you're the only girl I know who complicates this so much. It's not bad to like a guy" He said.

"What if I get attached?" I asked.

"He might get attached too, and you'll live happily ever after" He said.

"That doesn't exist, that's a lie. He wouldn't get attached, he's not so open to get attached" I said.

"Guys don't open up so easily, it'll take some time, but I'm sure it will happen. He literally punched someone so he can have you for himself" He said.

"I'm not anyone's property" I argued.

"God give me a break, I'm so lucky Nicole isn't like this" He said.

"Shut up" I said.

"J don't give people a hard time" A hand is wrapped around my shoulders and I turn to my left to see Harry's face only inches away. I gulp and try to relax. Do not look at his lips. He looks awfully handsome and his lips look awfully tempting.

"Yeah, only you, sorry forgot" I rolled my eyes.

"Mate, take her away from here, she'll give me a headache" Jackson said and Harry laughed.

"What did you say again Jazz?" Harry smiled down at me, charmingly, his emerald eyes flirting with mine. I hate him and all the things he does to me. He emotionally exhausts me.

"Something you shouldn't know of. How did you know I would be here?" I asked.

"When aren't you here lately?" He said. He has a point.

"Fair enough" I said. "What do you want?" I asked.

"I'm taking you for a walk" He said.

"A walk?" I asked.

"Yes. Have you been to the UCL art museum?" He asked me.

"Harry, I barely know half the campus" I giggled.

"And you've been here for what, one year and a half?" He smiled cheekily.

"Hey, I don't have time" I said.

"Well I haven't been there either, so we're going together" He said.

"What if I don't want to?" I raised a brow.

"I'll carry you" He said.

"I'm saying yes, because you might drop me" I said.

"The only place I would be dropping you is your bed" He said.

"Dumb ass" I said.

"To sleep, Jasmine. What did you think I meant?" He asked.

"Oh sleep of course" I laughed.

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