Sixty Four.

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(Last chapter with a sexual scene, just so you know)

---Sixty Four---

Jasmine's pov;

For around the past couple of weeks, Harry and I have made some important decisions. We have rented an apartment, and today was the last day of buying things for it and painting it. We have done everything on our own, without even caring what the other say about it. I have gotten into a fight with my mother again and Zayn too, as well as Harry did.

We have decided to not pay attention to them anymore. It has been so stressful for us, to be dealing with so many things together. We both have exams, the whole moving thing and our friends and family who are against our decision. I have been emotionally drained, and haven't felt so exhausted in my life before.

I took the last thing from our boxes, a picture of my dad and I on a bookshelf at the living room. I take a look at it and sigh. I miss him. If he was here, everything would have been better. He would have changed my mum's mind and he would support me. I wouldn't be alone in this.

"Jasmine I was wondering if-" Harry stops talking and looks at me. "Hey, hey, baby, what is wrong? Why are you crying?" I haven't even noticed the tears falling down my cheeks and I can now hear myself sniffle.

"I'm sorry" I said and whipped my tears with my sleeves.

"Sorry about what?" He stood in front of me, and took my hands, intertwining our fingers.

"Crying" I said.

"You shouldn't be sorry about crying. Can you tell me what's wrong? Did I do anything?" He asked. His eyes were full of concern.

"No, of course not. It's just all the tiredness and I just... I miss my dad" I admitted.

"Oh babe" He took me in his arms. I rested my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist tightly.

"No one wants us to do this. But he would" I said.

"It doesn't matter what they want. What we want matters. If it makes you feel better, my mum is okay with it. She is with us" He said.

"Why can't mine be?"

"Because... maybe she doesn't believe in us. We both know this can go awful, but we have faith. Your mum just hasn't understood that you've grown up yet" He said.

"I can make my own decisions, can't I?" I looked at him in the eyes.

"Of course you can babe" He said.

"She just doesn't get what I feel. She never does" I said.

"She will see you can do this"

"I'm just happy this has come to an end. The exams, the whole organizing the apartment thing" I huffed.

"Yeah me too. Now we can both have our piece and quiet" He said.

"That is something I was anticipated to hear soon" I said.

"I say, we go sleep, on our brand new bed, that we have together" He smirked.

"That just sounds delightful" I said.

"Want me to carry you?" He smirked again.

"No, I can walk on my own" I rolled my eyes at him and seductively started walking towards our room. Our room. As weird as that sounds, I like it.

Harry takes his shirt off and is left in his sweatpants. He even looks attractive like this, this is not fair. I take my clothes off and leave myself in my underwear. Harry raises a brow at me and has an amused expression. "What are you doing young lady?" He asked.

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