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Jasmine's pov;

My classes are officially over, and I couldn't be more happy. I spent seven hours in those classrooms for ten days now and it was exhausting. It's the day of the party, and my eyes search the crowd for my friends. As soon as I see Niall's blond hair, I walk up to all of them.

"Hey guys" I said.

"Hey beautiful" Zayn says and gives me a hug, and a kiss on my cheek.

Everyone is here, except from Harry.

"Where's Harry?" I asked.

"Somewhere around here, probably" Louis said.

After a few minutes of talking, I get a text.

~Where are you? I thought you were coming to the party. -H~

~I am at the party. Where are you? -J~

~I have been waiting outside your door for fifteen minutes now, I came to pick you up. -H~

~I walked. You could have told me to wait -J~

~Just wait where you are and don't get drunk again. I'll be there in two minutes. -H~

I roll my eyes and go back to my conversation with Zayn about Christmas.

"It's only two days away" I said.

"I'm going back in Bradford, everyone is going home, but we'll be here for New Years. We'll do another party, it'e a tradition" He said.

"If I'm not forced to stay with my family until then, I'll be here" I said.

"Cool, it'll be fun" He smiled.

"What will be fun?" I turn around to see Harry.

"New Years, Jasmine might come" Zayn said.

"Oh good" Harry said.

"Depends on how long my dad will stay" I told Harry.

"Hmm. You look great" He said.

"I know" I winked.

"How many drinks have you had?" He asked.

"Haven't even finished my first one, stop worrying about it" I said.

"Let the girl do whatever she pleases Styles, it's not your business" Zayn said.

"Who will take her home if she gets drunk again, idiot?" Harry said.

"She can stay here, like last time, it's not like we're strangers" Liam said.

"Harry, calm down. Go find a girl to dance with or something. Have fun and relax. I'll be just fine, I'm not five to have a supervisor" I said. He just shot me a glare and started talking with Niall.

Zayn offered to dance with me again, and I gladly accepted. He's so fun to be around with, he's such a calm and grounded person, in comparison to the others, except Liam. He's funny and sweet, besides his tattoos and nose piercing, showing the complete opposite.

We laughed with our stupid moves and a slower song comes on, still a sonf to dance to, but a slower beat. My arms are around Zayn's neck and his on my hips as we dance. He is so attractive in the dim lights of the party. Before I know it, we're closer and our lips are locked. His lips are so soft and he's so gentle. He sends shivers through my spine and his arms travel to my waist. His tongue asks for access and I open my mouth to accept. The feeling of my lips on his, is so nice, I could stay like this forever.

We stop to breath and our foreheads touch. We both smile and get back to dancing after a while. I'm not intoxicated and that's the best part, I'll remember this tomorrow.

We go for another drink and then go back to our small group. I hope none of them saw us, I don't want comments about it, I don't want to be the centre of attention and neither put Zayn in an uncomfortable position. What if someone thinks badly of me, because Zayn and I kissed? I know him for two months now, not one night, it's not as bad, right?

Zayns puts his arm around my shoulders and I don't shrug him off. Friends do this too, no one will notice anyway, it's too dark. Is it?

"Having fun?" Harry asks me.

"Yeah, much" I said.

"Of course you are" He snapped.

"What?" I raised a brow.

"What?" He asked back.

"Nothing..." I reply.

"Cool" He said and looks away. What's up with him? He doesn't really talk to me for the rest of the night, even if I try to make conversation, his replys are 'okay' or 'cool'.

"Want to go upstairs and leave these idiots here?" Zayn asked.

"And do what?" I raised a brow.

"Just hang out, not anything else, don't worry, I'm not that kind of guy" He smiled.

"Sure" I said.

"We're going dancing, bye guys" Zayn lied. I'm glad he wants to keep this as low as I do.

His room is the one before Harry's and we step inside. It's really neat and he has interesting stuff. He has some Marvel action figures, records, and many more.

"I'm kind of a superhero geek" He said, noticing I was looking around.

"I happen to like action movies too" I said.

"Really? What's your favourite?" He asked.

"Batman" I said.

"Mine too, and Liam's" He said. "Want to watch the most recent one on my laptop?" He asked.

"I'd love that" I said. We sat on his bed and he put the movie on. He explained some details here and there and it was adorable to see him so into these kind of things. I've gotten my heels off, and he had an arm around my shoulder during the movie.

When it was over, I yawned. I have no idea what time it is. "Do you mind if I tell Harry to take me home? I'm really tired" I said.

"You can stay here, it's still wild out there, you'll barely even make it outside. You don't want to pass out on the floor, so you?" He smiled.

"You're right. But I don't have any clothes with me" I said.

"I got you" He stood up and went up ti his closet, pulling out a T-shirt with the Marvel icon and a pair of boxers.

"Will this be okay? I know it's cold, but the comforter is really warm and the guys will probably turn up the heat when most people are out of here" Zayn said.

"It's good" I said. I changed in his bathroom, and I almost laughed at myself with how long the shirt was on me, it reached midway on my thigh, you could barely see the black boxers.

I got out of the bathroom and Zayn was on his phone, laying on his bed. He has already changed into sweatpants and only that. His tattoos were displayed on his bare chest and I admired them. I layed down next to him and the last thing I remember before falling asleep, is Zayn saying good night to me.

~I hope you liked this chapter, there's a lot going on. Love ya. -Eva. xx

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