Sixty Five.

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Jasmine's pov;

Harry has been singing his heart out to all of the songs in Ed Sheeran's latest album on our way to the grocery and I feel like I've cried rivers from how much I'm laughing with his dramatic act when he sang.

He's so ridiculous, I can't believe I am actually living with this idiot.

"Harry, we are leaving together" I said.

"What?" He stopped singing and raised a brow at me.

"I'm living in the same house with a guy. With you" I realized. The idea has just gotten into my mind, and it's actually unbelievable that I have done such thing.

"Yes, so?" He asked, and turned the volume down a notch, having an amused expression on his face.

"It just seems surreal. I never thought I would do this. I mean, I'm almost 21 and I'm making my own decisions, I'm living with a person who is not related to me. I mean, I used to even think that I wouldn't even make it until 21 and now I'm doing this" Reality hits me once more.

"Wait, you're having second thoughts, aren't you?" He asked and his face went pale.

"No, I'm just understanding it now. It's just odd" I said.

"Well, weird is good. It's good to be changing things up" He said.

"Yeah" I smiled. When we were all done from the grocery store, and had invited everyone for dinner at our place, Harry and I decided to have that little cooking lesson we were talking about.

Harry tells me he needs to go to the bathroom first, to wash his hands and all and with the chance I have, I take his phone from the kitchen counter. I go through his contacts and find Stacey's. I see the number and add it to my contact list and leave Harry's phone where it used to be. I have been thinking of inviting her too, since Harry told me the idea.

I don't exactly know why, but I feel like I should and I want to be nice. If she's part of the group, maybe I have to accept that and just go with it. And besides, don't they say keep your friends close, and your enemies closer?

I text her who I am and that she is invited and she doesn't hesitate to accept the offer.

"Ready to start?" Harry said, wrapping his arms around my waist. I instantly close my phone and leave it on the counter. I smile up at him and nod.

"I hope you don't mind that I invited Jackson too" I said. I know I'm going to need him here for support if anything comes up. He's the person who I'm certain I can rely on completely.

"He has a girlfriend, so I'm okay with that" He smiled cheekily and I stuck my tongue out at him.

I help Harry make dinner and he shows me some things about cooking and other tricks. Maybe I will even learn how to properly cook with him, besides knowing how to make toast, eggs and whatever is relatively easy and comes from a box.

I stand in front of the closet in my underwear while Harry is showering, to see what to wear but I have no idea. Is this supposed to be formal? I mean it's our friends, but this is the first day we are officially leaving together in this apartment. But, on the other hand, I'm 20 years old, I'm not going to dress as a mum or a housewife or anything like that.

I'm startled by two arms wrapping around my waist again, and some drops of water fall on my skin from Harry's wet hair. "You scared me"

"Sorry. Why are you standing half naked, looking confused?"

"Because I don't know what to wear" I said.

"Clothes, obviously" He chuckled.

"You're not helping here" I groaned.

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