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Jasmine's pov;

My dad only left a couple of days ago and because I only saw him once, I already miss him. I should pay a visit to him soon, maybe even with Harry. Since we have a break now and all exams are done, I have free time to do whatever I want.

"Babe" Harry said, entering the living room, where I was watching TV.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Would you mind if we had a visitor this Friday?" He asked.

"Tomorrow is Friday" I said.

"Yeah. Or even maybe today, I'm not quite sure" He said.

"Well are you going to tell me who the guest is?" I asked.

"My mum" He said.

"Of course she can come over. She's always welcome to visit" I said.

"I don't want her to come though. She said she'll be in London for something and maybe she could come here after to see us" He said.

"Why do you not want her? She's your mother, and she supported you on this. She has the right to come" I said.

"Yes but what about privacy? That's one of the main reasons why we moved together in the first place, because we needed 'alone time'" He said.

"Oh so you can't not do anything sexual for a day?" I raised a brow at him. He sat next to me and rested his hand on my thigh.

"No. I mean, look at you" He smirked.

"Contain yourself. That's what I do" I smiled cheekily.

"Oh so if you didn't contain yourself, what would you do?" He asked.

"Really dirty stuff" I said.

"Such as...?" He challenged me.

"Putting mud all over you. That would look like you were tanned. Man would that look attractive on you" I chuckled.

"You are so not funny" He laughed a little.

"You just laughed" I said. "It doesn't even make sense to say that when you laugh"

"Well I don't make sense most of the times, so it's usual" He said.

"That's true. So when is your mum coming then?" I asked.

"She said that if we want her, we should text her the address, but since we don't, I guess we are free to make babies" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Dude we just met, slow down" I said and he put a straight face.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm kidding. Babies are cute. And yes I know you didn't mean to actually make babies. But we do want your mum here idiot. Text her" I said.

"What if I don't?" He asked.

"I'll do it" I said.

"You don't know my password" He smirked.

"I bet I could guess" I said.

"Try" He challenged me, handing me his phone.

I tried a thousand possible passwords, but none of them seem to fit. What the hell is his phone password? Come on Jasmine, don't make a fool out of yourself, think. It shouldn't be that hard.

"Okay I give up" I said and gave him his phone back.

"See? It wasn't such an easy guess" He said.

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