Twenty One.

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---Twenty One---

Jasmine's pov;

I'm sitting on my bed, writing an assignment, when I hear someone open the door with a key. Who the hell has a key to my room?

I look up and see a familiar girl, Leigh-Anne, my sister's bandmate.

"Leigh?" I asked and raised a brow.

"Jasmine? You've got to be kidding me" She said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"This is my room, and apparently you are my roomate" She said.

"No way. They decide to give me a roomate after so long and it's a person I know. I must be lucky" I said and stood up to hug her.

"If your sister finds out, she'll be as surprised as we are. This is great" She smiled.

"I don't even have to introduce myself" I said.

"Haha yeah, I don't either" She said.

"Weren't you studying somewhere else?" I asked.

"I got transferred" She said.

"This is really great" I said. I always liked all of my sister's band mates. Leigh-Anne is the same age as me, along with one of the others, Perrie. The other girl, Jade, is one year older and my sister Jesy is the oldest. They have a girlband, which is quite awesome.

"Yeah it is"

"Make yourself at home. Decorate as you like, there are two closets and enough space to put another dresser if you'd like. I'm not messy, so the bathroom is totally clean" I informed her.

"I can see. Do you want to go get coffee?" She asked.

"Sure, let me finish this paper and I'll get dressed" I said.

"You're doing a paper? For when is it?" She asked.

"Two weeks" I said.

"You're crazy. Classes start in two days, you could be doing this in a week" She said.

"I decided to be a little more careful this year, with my school work. Have everything more planned" I said.

"New Year's resolutions huh?" She asked.


"Ours, is to get a record deal" She said.

"That would be amazing" I said.

"The girls and I are trying our best, we think we can make it" She said.

"One day, you will be huge. You have some serious talent" I said.

"Thanks, it means a lot" She smiled.

After I was done, we went out for coffee as said. I honestly needed a distraction from school, Zayn, Harry, and basically everything involving my accident and Stella.

As we were sitting at the mall, at a café, I see Harry coming up to us, smirking. I pray that he isn't really coming to us, because he's been a jerk and I don't want to talk to him.

"Jazzy! Long time no see" He smiled and opened his arms for a hug.

"I'm not doing this" I said.

"Aw why not? I thought you accepted my apology" He said.

"Yeah but you still don't talk to me" I said.

"I'm doing it now" He said.

"Leigh this is Harry, a friend of mine, Harry this is Leigh-Anne, a friend and my sister's bandmate" I said.

"I didn't know Jesy is in a band" He said.

"Who cares?" I asked.

"Wait. I know you from somewhere" Leigh said.

"Now that you say it, me too" Harry said and raised his brows. What the hell is going on?

"Wait, aren't you Zayn's friend?" Leigh asked him.

"And you are Perrie's friend. No way, I haven't seen you in forever" Harry said and they both smiled.

"Perrie? Zayn? What?" I asked.

"Zayn was dating Perrie" Harry smirked at me.

"Yeah I met Harry once, we were all out. What a small world" Leigh said. I almost chocked on my drink and Harry held back a laugh.

"Indeed. Jasmine here... " Harry began. I shot him a death glare, as a sign not to say anything but I can't stop him. " currently dating Zayn" He smiled.

"Really? Why didn't you tell me?" Leigh asked.

"Because it's just one date" I pointed at Harry.

"Oh sure it was" Harry smiled and sat down next to me.

"How did you two meet?" Leigh asked.

"Oh us?" I asked, shifting on my seat uncomfortably. What am I supposed to say?

"We met at a party in our house. Typical stuff" Harry said.

"Didn't know that you can have female friends" Leigh laughed.

"I'm offended, I can have female friends. Like Jasmine here. I would never sleep with her, she's my friend" He said.

"Well, good to hear that I guess" I said. I feel somehow relieved but offended by what Harry said. Why wouldn't he? He sleeps with everybody, even friends maybe, why not me? He doesn't think I'm attractive? I shake that thought off. As if I care what he thinks about me.

"Anyway. You girls should come to one of our parties some day" Harry said.

"We'd love to" Leigh said.

"Good. It'll be fun" Harry said.

"Well, I need to settle in the dorm now" Leigh stood up.

"I'll come with you" I said.

"I don't need any help, you can stay with Harry if you want" She said.

"I don't really think it's-"

"Great. See you around" Harry smiled and grabbed by wrist.

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked when Leigh left.

"What?" He asked, amusement in his eyes.

"When did you become such a dick?" I asked.

"Be nice J. What did I do?" He asked.

"You came here and ruined my day. I was having fun" I said.

"You know, only a few days ago, you used to be happy to see me" He said.

"Well now I'm not. And I don't want to be around you" I said.

"Well then... Good I wanted to get rid of you anyway" He almost yelled. His irises have darkened and he stormed away from me. I don't get him, I really don't and I don't care anymore. I don't care enough to get to know him, he doesn't want to get to know me other. So what's the point?

What's the point of trying to make something work, when you know it never will? He's so much more stubborn than I am. He was so nice to me for a short time, why can't he always be like that? It all changed again since he stormed out of his house in Christmas, for no reason. I hope that I never get to have to talk to Harry Styles again. But the problem is, his friend is dating me. Maybe if I stop seeing him, I will stop seeing Harry too...

~I hope you likes this chapter! Love you. -Eva. xx

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