Thirty Seven.

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---Thirty Seven---

Jasmine's pov;

It's already March and I don't understand how we're already in the third month of the year. Time goes by too fast, but I don't mind. I finished my antibiotics treatment this week and I am feeling great, physically. Emotionally, I'm just drained, even if nothing has happened. I've been spending time alone, and closure is not good for me. I've successfully managed to avoid Harry and all the boys. I've only been spending time with my sister and the girls, here and there.

I focused on my studying and I have been getting better reviews from my teachers. I'm proud of myself that I have been problem and trouble free for more than one week. Only because Harry was not involved in anything I did.

I'm at work, and there's only one hour left for my shift to end. I have been taking night shifts lately because I have the time and I get paid more for the extra hours. It's 11pm, I leave at 12pm and then someone else comes in the bar, to replace me for the other shift. The bar is a popular one, so there is a lot of people around, we never close before 4am.

As I'm pouring a glass of whisky, I hear people laugh from the entrance and lift my head up to see familiar faces. Of freaking course, it's five boys and five girls. Wait, five? Who the fuck is that blonde girl? Harry's arm is around her waist and I cringe. My advice at him to get laid has worked, I guess.

I groan and realize I have to go and take their order. Well, you work here, idiot. I straighten my bar apron and my posture, making my way to the table. "Hi, what can I get for you guys?" I smiled politely and everyone turns to face me.

"Jasmine, you work here?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, didn't you know?" I asked.

"No. How come we've never seen you here before?" He asked.

"I normally work early but I just changed my shifts so you'll be seeing me more often" I said.

"Great" Niall said. Yeah, great, just great.

I get their orders and totally forget that Harry and that girl are there. "Excuse me, we're here too" The girl said.

"Sorry. What do you want?" I asked.

"A margarita" She said. Of course she wants a margarita. I can see it on her face, how snob she is.

"Harry, whisky?" I asked.

"Yeah, you know what I drink" He said.

"Who's she?" I hear the girl ask Harry. As if I didn't hear you.

"I'm Jasmine. Don't worry no threat for you" I fake smiled.

"Stacey" She said.

"Of course you are" I mumbled. I earn a few chuckles from Perrie, Zayn and Niall and smirk at them.

"Excuse me?" She raised a brow.

"Nothing, anything else?" I asked. No one answered so I went up to the bar and prepared their drinks for them. I serve some other orders before theirs and make my way to their table again, which is not really far from the bar. Harry, Stacey, Leigh, Liam and Jesy have their backs at me and Zayn, Perrie, Niall, Jade and Louis face me. I can't believe how they all fit at their table.

"Here you go" I serve them. Even though they are not who I want to be around now, I won't forget my manners because of my annoyance.

"Thanks love" Louis said.

"Why don't you get a drink and sit with us too?" Zayn asked.

"My shift doesn't end for another forty minutes" I explained.

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